August 6, 2021
August, Mobility and Access Coalition (LCC) Agenda and Newsletter
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In an effort to mitigate the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, the Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is currently closed, and we continue to perform all operations remotely. Please visit our webpage at for more information.
August 8, 2:00-3:50 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting (if you haven't previously)
Welcome & Introductions
- Ice Breaker Break Out Session
- Mountain Mobility Working Group
- Youth Transportation Resource
- Open Houses for Mobility & Access for All Ages & Abilities Plan
- State Highway 119 Bikeway Public Meeting
- MAC Redesign Timeline
- Other Updates
Partner Introductions
- Gabe Christie, RTD ADA Manager
- Jan Rowe, CDOT Region 4 Transit Liaison
CDOT Bustang and Outrider Presentation
- Key French and Brandon Najdovsk
Break Out Session
- Driver Shortages Brainstorming Session
Round Robin Organizational Updates (Time Permitting)
- Next meeting: Monday, September 13, 2021, 2:00 - 3:50 pm
- To Join the Local Coordinating Council Email List, Contact:
August 10th
Virtual Open House: Mobility and Access for All Ages and Abilities Plan
Mobility for All
August 11th
Invitación Virtual Abierta al Público: Plan de Transporte Coordinado de Movilidad y Acceso para Todos
Mobility for All
August 27th
Lyft Workshop Mobility for All
Accessing RTD,
Mobility for All
August 28th
Member Party
Community Cycles
August 30th
Diagonal highway 119 Bikeway Design
Boulder County
Coordinated Human Service Plan
Boulder County is creating its very first Coordinated Public Transit - Human Services Transportation Plan – Mobility and Access for All Ages and Abilities Plan - and we want to hear from you! The plan focuses on the transportation needs of seniors, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and youth. The plan will also address federal requirements per the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Section 5310 funding process for urbanized and rural areas.
Register in advance for the virtual event:
Por favor, regístrense con anticipación, mediante los siguientes enlaces.
Highway 119 Bikeway Design
Virtual meeting to present and discuss the Diagonal Highway 119 Bikeway Design
Boulder County’s Community Planning & Permitting Department and CDOT invites the public to a virtual meeting to learn more about and give feedback on the State Highway 119 Bikeway Project. The purpose of the meeting is to review and get input from the community on the conceptual design of a planned paved, off-street multi-use path along Colorado State Highway 119 (the Diagonal) between Longmont and Boulder.
What: Presentation on the conceptual design for the 119 Bikeway and an overview on how it will connect to other projects along the corridor.
When: Monday, August 30, 5:30- 7 pm
Where: Click here for the Zoom Webinar link to sign up
Languages: The meeting will be held in English with simultaneous Spanish translation
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
Boulder County is continuing to hold vaccination clinics throughout the County to administer the COvid-19 Vaccines. To stay up to date on where vaccines are available the county maintains lists of both long-term vaccination clinics and special vaccination clinics. A list of clinics can be found here to help you find the site that works best for you.
Boulder County’s multiple transportation options have made changes to their services to make vaccine trips a top priority.
- Boulder County Transportation Options to Reach COVID-19 Vaccination Sites
- Opciones de transporte del Condado de Boulder para llegar a los sitios de vacunación contra el COVID-19
ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan
After receiving dozens of community comments on accessibility challenges present in the city's transportation infrastructure (sidewalks, curb ramps, multi-use paths, pedestrian crossings and access to transit stops), staff has created a draft ADA Self-Evaluation Plan.
The plan provides background on applicable ADA-related policies/programs, an overview of key themes from community engagement and major gaps and challenges, with an initial dive into strategies to address these. This effort helps frame future accessibility upgrades to be prioritized in the forthcoming ADA Transition Plan (to be developed later in 2021).
Give Feedback here
More information can be found here
City of Boulder Accessibility Panel Recording, July 29, 2021
Video: Resilient Community, Colorado Cross Disability Coalition
Webinar: Transportation Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Lunch & Learn: Coordination Connections, We All Rise Consulting
Podcast: Public Transit and Homelessness with Tim Chan, The Transit Authority
Study: Study: Bike Share Saves the U.S.$36 Million Public Health Dollars Every Year, Streetsblog USA
Report: 2020 Transportation Trends Report, NADTC
School Transportation: Americans Want Green School Buses, But Congress Sells Them Short, Streetsblog USA
RTD and Transit: Cheap or free fares? RTD should take “urgent” action to lure riders back, report says, The Denver Post
Transit and Access to the Outdoors: The Importance of Transit to Parks and Trails, Planetizen
Parking ADA Access: How Does Removing Parking and Road Space Affect People With Disabilities? Strong Towns
Sustainability: How can cities improve air pollution after Covid-19? City Monitor
Walking and Human Scale Places: Anywhere Can Be Somewhere (and Other Walking Lessons), Strong Towns
Public Transportation And Safety: Cities with Higher Public Transit Use Can Cut Their Road Traffic Death Rate in Half, Politico
Request mobility resources and we will bring them to the next LCC meeting. Examples include:
- DRMAC Getting There Guides
- VIA brochures
- LCC brochures
- M4A brochures
- Ride Free Longmont Maps
- And MORE!
Boulder County LCC Vision: Promote and provide efficient, accessible, affordable, seamless, equitable, responsive, and
easy to arrange transportation options for Boulder County residents through coordination and collaboration between
service providers.
Mobility for All Program