January 12, 2024
Applications Now Open for New Boulder County Coroner
Please note that this information is now out of date. Please visit the latest update on the Coroner Appointment process.
The application deadline is January 25
Boulder County, Colo. - The application process is now open to fill the position of Boulder County Coroner. The previous coroner resigned effective Jan. 11, and under state statute, the Boulder County Commissioners are responsible for appointing a new coroner , who will hold the position of coroner until Jan. 2027, following the results of the Nov. 2026 election.
A public presentation outlining the role of the coroner and the recruitment process was hosted by the commissioners on Jan. 11.
Public Feedback and Recruitment Process
The commissioners invite community members to take part in the recruitment process through online written feedback. Written feedback can be shared through an online survey, which closes on Jan. 25.
The candidate interviews will be open for the public to attend and observe:
• Public interviews – Feb. 6 at 1 p.m. at the Boulder County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder – No registration required
• Public interviews – Feb. 15 at 2 p.m. at the Boulder County Commissioners’ Hearing Room, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder – No registration required (*Please note this was originally advertised as Feb. 14*)
The interviews can be attended in person, online via Zoom, or by phone. Links to attend online or by phone will be included in the Advance Agenda. Sign up to receive the Advance Agenda.
Candidate Qualifications
The commissioners are seeking highly qualified individuals with significant knowledge of the responsibilities of the Office of the Coroner (Colorado Revised Statues Title 30 Article 10 Part 6). Ideal candidates must also exhibit high level personnel and financial management experience, ability to work collaboratively within a multifaceted organization, and a demonstrated commitment to providing the best in public service.
Required qualifications: In accordance with state statute, qualified applicants must possess the following minimum qualifications:
• Resident of Boulder County.
• Over the age of 18 years old.
• Has earned a high school diploma or its equivalent, or a college degree.
• Is a citizen of the United States.
• No felony record – including having been convicted of, plead guilty to, or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any felony charge under federal or state law.
Preferred Qualifications:
• Education and experience as a medical examiner.
Interested applicants are invited to submit a letter of interest, a copy of a resume or curriculum vitae, and complete a short online application by January 25th at 11:59 PM. Visit the county’s website to apply.