Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

August 18, 2023

Affordable Housing and Open Space Ballot Measures Set for November Election

Commissioners Also Approve a Ballot Measure To Extend the Nederland EcoPass Mill Levy

Boulder County, Colo. -- Following a public comment period and public hearing, the Boulder County Commissioners have approved three ballot measures for the upcoming November election. The county is not proposing any new taxes, but will ask voters to extend three existing taxes that are expiring.

Ballot Measures

Open Space extension – A proposal to extend for fifteen years the existing 0.05% countywide sales and use tax for the purpose of acquiring, improving, managing and maintaining open space lands and other open space property interests.

Affordable Housing extension – A proposal to extend for fifteen years the existing 0.185% countywide sales and use tax for the purposes of funding existing and additional affordable and attainable housing and related supportive services within Boulder County.

Nederland EcoPass Public Improvement District extension – A proposal for a ballot issue for the November 2023 election to extend for ten years the District’s existing ad valorem property tax mill levy imposed at a rate not to exceed 1.85 mills for the purposes of paying the costs of providing a Regional Transportation District EcoPass to all District residents; and to seek elector authorization for the District to administer an EcoPass program for non-resident employees of employers operating within the District.

Next Steps

Ballot language and resolutions can be found on the county’s ballot measures website.

During the public hearing, the commissioners gave direction to amend the Affordable Housing ballot measure to include the ability to provide funding directly to municipalities. The signed resolutions will be made available on the county’s ballot measures website shortly.

In passing the resolutions at yesterday’s public hearing, the approved tax proposals will be included on the ballot for consideration by voters in the November election.

For information about the November election, visit the Boulder County Clerk & Recorder Election website.

A recording of the August 17 public hearing is available on the county’s website.

Collage of all three Boulder County Commissioners