Walking is performed on an occasional to frequent basis depending on the shift assignment, the area patrolled, and the season. The distance covered also varies according to the area patrolled, with the mountain areas requiring longer walks up sloped driveways, around larger houses with greater acreage, and around more obstacles. The flats may involve long walks around the perimeter of a large business some up to 2500 feet. Running is an activity that is seldom performed. Running may occur when chasing a suspect (approximately 5x/year) or providing backup for an officer or an area. The distance covered again varies according to individual discretion and the area patrolled with longer pursuits in the flats compared to the mountain areas. Overall the average distance covered is 100-400 yards or less.
Deputies are required to demonstrate the ability to complete a maximum effort obstacle course of running a distance of approximately 300 feet from a sitting position in a motor vehicle, up and down two flights of stairs, climb a six foot step ladder, crawl through a 2 foot diameter 12 foot long tube, and return to a sitting position in the car.
Deputies are required to demonstrate the ability to run 1/4 mile in 126 seconds+/- 36 seconds