Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Wildfire Partners Chipping Contractor

Due Date: 02/21/2024 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: RFP-029-23
Bidding Categories: Community Planning and Permitting
Other Comments:

Wildfire Partners is Boulder County’s wildfire mitigation program and is housed in the County’s Community Planning and Permitting Department (CP&P). Our mission is to educate, motivate, and support Boulder County residents in preparing for future wildfire. Wildfire Partners is seeking individual contract companies to perform wood chipping and slash removal for community events. Background: County chipping services have been available to Boulder County residents since 1993, with Wildfire Partners becoming Boulder County’s official wildfire mitigation program in 2014. While the chipping program has undergone several iterations over the years, a successful redesign was launched by Wildfire Partners in 2023 that included nearly 500 households. To learn more about all the services offered by Wildfire Partners, visit With assistance from the program coordinator and current chipping contractors, homeowners reduce their wildfire risk by actively organizing their slash into piles and participating in a community chipping event. Wildfire Partners provides the instructions, communications, and funds for residents to plan community events in which groups of homes can have their slash chipped and removed on the same day(s). This RFP will be used to add to our current list of chipping contractors. Communities select from contractors on this list to complete their chipping events. All approved contractors on this list will be the paid same fixed rate, as was determined for the first round of contractors in 2023. The goal of the program is to fund all chipping events in the county with a minimum of five participants who are removing slash with the specific goal of reducing their wildfire risk. This program is being funded by the new wildfire mitigation tax.

Posting Information RFP-029-24