Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Phase I and II Environmental Hazard Assessments

Due Date: 12/19/2023 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: SOQ-012-23
Bidding Categories: Parks and Open Space
Other Comments:

The Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department (BCPOS), Real Estate Division, is seeking qualifications from firms in the following disciplines: Environmental Site Assessment, including Soil Sampling and Water Sampling. The work will consist of performing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments of proposed and existing County properties. Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments may be performed at any location within Boulder County, and may include mountainous, mining, plains, or agricultural areas, and may require walking or hiking to locations. The purpose of this solicitation is to prepare a pre-qualified list of Phase I and Phase II firms to work on a project-by-project basis. Contractors must be qualified to perform Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments in conformance with ASTM standards and the BCPOS Specifications listed below. Contractors must also be qualified to perform soil and water sampling and analyze the results.

We are not accepting questions for this project.

Submissions Instructions SOQ-012-23