Stage 1 fire restrictions, enacted for unincorporated areas of western Boulder County.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

North Foothills Feasibility Study

Due Date: 11/22/2022 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: SOQ #7379-22
Bidding Categories: Community Planning and Permitting
Other Comments:


Boulder County (“the County”) is seeking to hire a consulting firm (“Contractor”) to complete a Bikeway Feasibility Study (“Study”) which will identify and evaluate alternative alignments for a new hard-surface multi-use bikeway parallel to US 36 (a.k.a. North Foothills Highway) between the City of Boulder and the Town of Lyons. The extents of the Study are from US M.M. 21 to US 36 M.M. 32.5.

The Study will identify alignments for a separated, safe, convenient, and reliable bikeway that will appeal to people desiring to travel by bicycle or foot on the US 36 corridor but who are currently deterred due to the high speeds and heavy traffic volumes immediately adjacent to the existing shoulders. The alignments should be suitable for cyclists of varying speeds and riding abilities ranging from interested but concerned to strong and fearless riders. The anticipated project outcome is a single preferred alternative bikeway alignment, a conceptual level plan and preliminary opinion of probable construction cost.

The Study will consider connections to existing and planned trails and trailheads within the US 36 corridor.

Alignments evaluated as part of the Study should be within the ROW to the greatest extent possible. Much of the property adjacent to the CDOT ROW is city or county owned open space. Any alternative that encroaches into adjacent property, including open space land, will be in the immediate vicinity of the CDOT right-of-way and will require additional coordination and consultation.

Analysis of potential conceptual trail alignments will include impact analysis and potential mitigation to offset impacts to natural, cultural, agricultural, and social resources. The Study will ID City of Boulder open space land that is approved to be designated as a Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) and will include an alignment that avoids those areas.

If City open space lands cannot be avoided, minimize adverse impacts to the greatest extent practicable. The alignments alternatives studied will not include any disturbance to the City Habitat Conservation Area open space land.

Should the preferred alternative alignment propose to use City of Boulder open space lands outside of the roadway ROW, disposal of that portion of land may be required pursuant to City of Boulder Charter Section 177, a process that would occur during a subsequent phase of the planning and design process.

The bikeway project must comply with CDOT’s, the County’s and City of Boulder’s design standards and criteria, and all draft deliverables will be reviewed by CDOT and the County. Impacts to OSMP lands must be consistent with existing City of Boulder rules and regulations, and the City of Boulder charter. The Study is federally funded and must meet all federal requirements.

Specifications, Affidavit of Small Business Participation and a sample contract are attached.

2.Written Inquiries

All inquiries regarding this SOQ will be submitted via email to the Boulder County Purchasing Office at on or before 2:00 p.m. October 31, 2022. A response from the county to all inquiries will be posted and sent via email no later than November 4, 2022.

Do not contact any other county department or personnel with questions or for information regarding this solicitation.

3.Submittal Instructions

Submittals are due at the email box only, listed below, for time and date recording on or before 2:00 p.m. Mountain Time on November 22, 2022.

Please note that email responses to this solicitation are limited to a maximum of 50MB capacity.


Electronic Submittals must be received in the email box listed below. Submittals sent to any other box will NOT be forwarded or accepted. This email box is only accessed on the due date of your questions or proposals. Please use the Delivery Receipt option to verify receipt of your email. It is the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure their documents are received before the deadline specified above. Boulder County does not accept responsibility under any circumstance for delayed or failed email or mailed submittals.

Email; identified as SOQ # 7379-22 in the subject line.

All SOQs must be received and time and date recorded by authorized county staff by the above due date and time. Sole responsibility rests with the proposer to see that their SOQ response is received on time at the stated location(s). Any responses received after due date and time will be returned to the proposer.

SOQ #7379-22

Attachment A: Copy of Affidavit of Small Business Participation

The attached addendum supersedes the original Information and Specifications regarding SOQ # 7379-22 where it adds to, deletes from, clarifies or otherwise modifies.
All other conditions and any previous addendums shall remain unchanged.

Please note: Proposal deadline has been extended. Submittals are due at the email box only, listed below, for time and date recording on or before 2:00 p.m. Mountain
Time on November 22, 2022.

SOQ #7379-22 Addendum 1

The attached addendum supersedes the original Information and Specifications regarding SOQ # 7379-22 where it adds to, deletes from, clarifies or otherwise modifies. All other conditions and any previous addendums shall remain unchanged.

Due to COVID-19, BIDS will only be accepted electronically by emailing

SOQ #7379-22 Addendum 2