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Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Engineering and Alternative Analysis of Vault Restroom Systems and Facilities and Construction Ready Documents

Due Date: 11/01/2023 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: Notes RFP-004-23
Bidding Categories: Parks and Open Space
Pre-bid Date and Time: 10/30/2023 10:00 am
Pre-bid Location:

Pella Crossing Open Space Trailhead – 11420 N. 75th Street, Hygiene, Co 80533

Bids from firms not represented and signed in at the mandatory pre-bid meeting will not be accepted.

Other Comments:

Project Description:

The Boulder County Parks & Open Space Department (BCPOS) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced contractors to secure engineering services for performance and alternative engineering analysis of BCPOS’ public use trailhead no-flush evaporative vault restroom systems. The selected contractor will also conduct research on alternative restroom wastewater systems and provide an analysis of those systems against BCPOS’ existing facilities. Additionally, the selected contractor will provide structural and technical engineering review of BCPOS’ existing restroom plans, incorporate design modifications as needed and stamped final design documents and specifications. The project will be conducted in four (4) phases. In Phase One, the selected contractor shall conduct research and analysis on other proven and reliable no-flush restroom wastewater systems available on the market for BCPOS to consider and provide a recommendation. In Phase Two, the contractor shall provide technical engineering analysis of BCPOS’s current no-flush evaporative vault restroom system and provide recommendations for improved performance with system modifications (structural, mechanical, electrical, etc.) and/or maintenance process improvements. Additionally, the contractor will compare BCPOS’ existing facilities to other systems identified in Phase One and provide a recommendation of the system BCPOS should consider for use. In Phase Three, the contractor shall provide site investigation and structural and technical engineering review, analysis, and recommendations to improve and/or replace four (4) existing vault restroom systems. The potential exists to add one (1) add alternate restroom system, this add alternate is contingent on county funding. The contractor shall provide structural and technical engineering review, design modifications as needed and stamped final design documents and specifications (Final Plans and Specifications) to be used for permitting, bidding, and construction for the four (4) existing vault restroom systems and potentially the add alternate system. In Phase Four, the contractor shall provide as needed permitting and construction phase assistance to BCPOS. The selected Contractor must complete the Phases 1, 2 and 3 tasks of the Project as described in the Specifications section by March 31, 2024. Phase 4 tasks are contingent upon future county funding and would be started and completed after March 31, 2024.

NOTE: Tasks Contingent on County Funding

Phase Three – Tasks 5 and 6 and Add Alternative – Task 7 are optional tasks and are contingent upon on future funding by the County and Project approval.

Tasks 5 and 6 are anticipated to occur in 2024, however this schedule is subject to change. In the event the County proceeds with Phase Three – Tasks 5 and 6 and/or Add Alternative – Task 7; a Notice to Proceed will be issued separately for these tasks.

PAYMENT FOR SERVICES: Contractors are instructed to review the Data Requirements section specifically for all data related deliverables. Payment will be retained until the data submitted is 100% compliant with the County requirements as detailed.

Payments for the Project shall be made in line with the project phasing and the completion of each task per the specifications and bid tab cost proposal. The Contractor shall submit invoices, as applicable, to Boulder County at the completion of each task.

Contractor shall submit, in writing, to Boulder County, a request for payment. Invoices shall be submitted on company letterhead and include, but not limited to, depending on the activity completed, designated project name, date(s), type of work performed. Additionally, all invoices should contain the current date, invoice number, amount due and current return address.

Additionally, payment for Project awarded is subject to the terms and conditions of the Boulder County issued Purchase Order.

Submission Instructions