Emergency Response: Debris Monitoring Services
Due Date: | 04/30/2025 2:00 pm |
Bidding Number: | SOQ-150-25 |
Bidding Categories: | Public Works, Resource Conservation |
Pre-bid Date and Time: | 04/08/2025 2:00 pm |
Pre-bid Location: | A Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. Please register on Bonfire to access link. |
Other Comments: | Boulder County is seeking qualified contractors to provide emergency response services in the event of a federally declared disaster. Contractors may be used by Boulder County in responding to federally declared disasters or events that do not meet the magnitude or severity required for a federal disaster designation. Boulder County Resource Conservation Division (RCD) is conducting this Solicitation of Qualifications to establish a list of pre-qualified contractors who may provide Debris Monitoring services for future disasters. Monitoring debris removal work involves constant observation of debris hauler crews to ensure that workers are performing eligible work in accordance with FEMA Public Assistance guidelines, and helps to verify compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. This is accomplished by documenting debris removal. The FEMA Public Assistance program requires debris monitoring from the time the eligible debris is collected until it is disposed of. |