Design-Build of Bridge Maintenance and Scour Improvements at Empire Road Bridge over Coal Creek
Due Date: | 05/02/2024 2:00 pm |
Bidding Number: | RFQ-049-24 |
Bidding Categories: | Public Works |
Other Comments: | The County will use a two-phase value-based procurement process to select a Design-Build Team to deliver the Project. This SOQ is the first phase to solicit information. The County will evaluate received SOQs to determine which submitters are the most qualified to deliver the Project and will short-list not more than three (3) submitters. The Project generally consists of bridge maintenance and scour repairs at the existing structure (Structure Number BC-62-2.1) Empire Road over Coal Creek within Boulder County. The Project includes spall patching, bottom slab abrasion repair, crack repair, removal of existing concrete apron slab at culvert outlet, new concrete toe wall at culvert outlet and wingwalls, and adding riprap scour countermeasures at culvert inlet and outlet. Other anticipated items requiring team support include wetland impacts/delineation, birds-of-prey, and sensitive species evaluation, hydraulic modeling and design calculations for potential scour countermeasures. Some of this work has been completed and an initial scour improvement design plan will be provided in the second phase of the procurement process. Proposals must be submitted electronically on or before the Close Date at Submissions will not be accepted by email, fax or hand-delivery; unless otherwise noted. Documents should not be embedded within uploaded files, as the embedded files will not be accessible or evaluated. |