Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Climate Solutions Policy Expertise to Enhance Advocacy Efforts

Due Date: 12/01/2023 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: RFP 005-23
Bidding Categories: Office of Sustainability, Climate and Resilience
Other Comments:

Boulder County’s Office of Sustainability, Climate Action, and Resilience (OSCAR) seeks policy and
technical expertise from climate-adept organizations to inform and support local government
positions on state-level policy, especially pertaining to electrification. Additionally, OSCAR would
like to catalog the progressive local government policies Boulder County should consider relative
to our climate goals.

Boulder County recognizes that the greenhouse gas emissions impacting our community cannot be
addressed solely within our borders, so we have long engaged in state-level decarbonization policy
through coalitions that represent the needs of local communities. This RFP seeks to expand our
capacity by deploying technical expertise in crucial state-level policy precedents to benefit all public
policy efforts. For this RFP, Boulder County primarily focuses on the two largest sectors of Boulder
County’s GHG emissions profile, transportation and the built environment — especially on
electrification — where both local and state policies act. This RFPis for expertise to advise on
technical solutions, policy proposals to support those solutions, and advocacy approaches to enact
those proposals.

Posting RFP 005-23