Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Cardinal Mill Environmental Remediation Project

Due Date: 07/17/2024 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: RFP-083-24
Bidding Categories: Parks and Open Space
Pre-bid Date and Time: 07/10/2024 11:00 am
Pre-bid Location:

To register for the pre bid meeting you must email You cannot register in Bonfire at this time. The last day to register is July 8, 2024, by midnight. Please indicate the number of seats to reserve as shuttle vans will be required. There is not enough parking for everyone at Cardinal Mill.

Bids from firms not represented and signed in at the mandatory, pre-bid meeting, and site visit will not be accepted.

Other Comments:

The Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department (BCPOS) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced environmental remediation consultants for a Boulder County Cardinal Mill Environmental Remediation Project that includes 2024 implementation assistance to the County, wholistic strategy development and site assessment, and 2025 remediation process optimization. The Cardinal Mill is located approximately 2.1 miles west of the town of Nederland in Boulder County, Colorado. Coon Track Creek runs into North Beaver Creek which joins Middle Boulder Creek just above Barker Reservoir in Nederland. Barker Reservoir is the primary drinking water source for the City of Boulder. The Project location is the Cardinal Millsite Lot, 167 Bergren Road (Parcel Number 158315000049) and adjacent County-owned parcels on Caribou Road, Nederland (see Attachment A Project Location Map and Attachment B Parcel Survey Plat). Surface expressions of drainage include the Boulder County Tunnel adit (see Attachment B), springs on the mine waste slopes on either side of the Mill, surface water entering a manhole that is part of a toe drain system installed around the Mill (see Attachment C Cardinal Mill MSE Wall 2005 Plans), and the permitted outfall (the toe drain outlet) currently located on the southwest side of the small parking lot located on the southeast side of the Mill (Outfall # 001-A, Latitude 39.968766, Longitude -105.549771: see Attachment D COG318106 Certification to Discharge). The County purchased the parcel in 2003 and in late 2007, the County agreed to take over the Cardinal Mill Water Discharge Permit from the adjacent landowner. Through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Water Quality Control Division, BCPOS has an active long term remediation activities permit number COG318106, effective date 1/1/2022 with a compliance schedule for pollutant control measures to be implemented by 1/1/2025. Effluent discharge testing indicates high levels of potentially dissolved Cadmium, Copper, Lead, and Zinc. Additionally, Coon Track Creek is impaired for Arsenic and E. coli. An extension is being requested by the County for the compliance schedule, but permit compliance is not the responsibility of this Project. The intent is for the County to install a temporary remediation treatment facility in 2024 and for the selected Contractor in Task 1 to provide technical advice as needed related to the installation of the remediation facility. The primary work for this Contractor will be Tasks 2 and 3. Task 2 is development of a wholistic view of the site history and current contamination sources (review of existing data and additional data collection) and strategy recommendation related to site remediation. Task 3 is remediation process optimization based on knowledge gained from Task 1 and Task 2 and the goal to reduce water quality contamination to Coon Track Creek, not just meet minimum permit requirements.

Proposals must be submitted electronically on or before the Close Date at Submissions will not be accepted by email, fax or hand-delivery; unless otherwise noted.

Documents should not be embedded within uploaded files, as the embedded files will not be accessible or evaluated.

Submittal Instructions RFP-083-24

The attached addendum supersedes the original Information and Specifications regarding RFP-083-24 where it adds to, deletes from, clarifies or otherwise modifies. All other conditions and any previous addendums shall remain unchanged.

ATTENTION: The dates for this project have been changed.

New Questions Due Date: June 25, 2024 – 2:00 p.m.

New Addendum Release Date: June 27, 2024 – End of day

New Submittal Due Date: July 9, 2024 – 2:00 p.m.

RFP-083-24 Addendum 1

The attached addendum supersedes the original Information and Specifications regarding RFP-083-24 where it adds to, deletes from, clarifies or otherwise modifies. All other conditions and any previous addendums shall remain unchanged.

ATTENTION: A mandatory meeting has been added to this RFP and the submittal due date has been extended.

A mandatory pre-proposal site visit will take place on July 10, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. to be completed before 2:00 p.m. Parties interested in attending are required to register through Bonfire via the vendor discussions. The last day to register is July 8, 2024, by midnight. Please indicate the number of seats to reserve as shuttle vans will be required. There is not enough parking for everyone at Cardinal Mill. After the site visit, the County will issue another Addendum.

Bids from firms not represented and signed in at the mandatory, pre-bid meeting, and site visit will not be accepted.

The submittal date has been changed to July 17, 2024, by 2:00 p.m.

RFP-083-24 Addendum 2

The attached addendum supersedes the original Information and Specifications regarding RFP-083-24 where it adds to, deletes from, clarifies or otherwise modifies. All other conditions and any previous addendums shall remain unchanged.

ATTENTION: There was an error on the Addendum published on June 27, 2024. To register for the pre bid meeting you must email You cannot register in Bonfire at this time. The last day to register is July 8, 2024, by midnight. Please indicate the number of seats to reserve as shuttle vans will be required. There is not enough parking for everyone at Cardinal Mill.

RFP-083-24 Addendum 3