Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart for Boulder County Government

The Org Chart serves to show the relationship between elected offices and departments for Boulder County Government.

For a full listing of county offices and departments, please see Directory – Programs & Offices.

View the organizational chart (PDF)

Electorate (Boulder County residents)

  • Boulder County Commissioners/Boulder County Housing Authority Board of Directors – Ashley Stolzmann, Claire Levy and Marta Loachamin
    • Board of Health
      • Executive Director of Public Health – Lexi Nolan
    • Executive Director of Housing Authority – Susana Lopez-Baker
    • County Administrator – Jana Petersen
      • Assistant County Administrator – Yvette Bowden
      • Director of Human Resources – Julia Larsen
      • Director of Human Services – Susan Caskey
      • Director of Housing – Susana Lopez-Baker
      • Director of Community Services – Robin Bohannan
      • Director of Information Technology – Paul Jannatpour
      • Director of the Office of Racial Equity – Carrie Inoshita
      • Director of Community Planning & Permitting – Dale Case
      • Director of Parks & Open Space – Therese Glowacki
      • Director of Public Works – Steve Durian
    • Deputy to the County Administrators – Natalie Springett
    • Chief Financial Officer – Ramona Farineau
    • County Attorney – Ben Pearlman
    • Director of the Office of Sustainability, Climate Action and Resilience (OSCAR) – Susie Strife
  • Assessor – Cynthia Braddock
  • Clerk & Recorder – Molly Fitzpatrick
  • Coroner – Jeff Martin
  • District Attorney – Michael Dougherty
  • Sheriff – Curtis Johnson
  • Surveyor – Lee Stadele
  • Treasurer – Paul Weissmann