Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Institute for Strengthening Families

Institute for Strengthening Families

En Español

Welcome to the Institute for Strengthening Families! We’re here to empower Spanish-speaking parents/caregivers and families in Boulder County with substance use prevention resources and programs by increasing access and participation opportunities. Explore our calendar, video library, and comprehensive resources all in one place. Through the Institute, we hope to break down language and cultural barriers together for a stronger, more equitable Boulder County community.

alarm clock next to calendar.


View calendar with classes, events, and sessions for Spanish-speaking parents/caregivers in the Boulder County.
Send us your event

someone's hands framing a scene using forefingers and thumbs.

Video Library

Access free Spanish and/or bilingual parent and caregiver videos on our IFF YouTube channel.
Send us a video

a group of people huddled in a circle holding hands.

Community Partners – Collective Impact

Find a list of our partners and additional resources including direct links to their websites and calendars.

City of Boulder logoThe Institute for Strengthening Families is funded by the City of Boulder’s Substance Education and Awareness (SEA) Fund, which provides grants to support substance use and abuse prevention for Boulder youth, families and community members. The SEA Fund goals include increasing the number of trusted adults for youth, increasing youth perception of the risks of substance use, and lowering the rates of substance use and abuse among Boulder youth and other community members.

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Instituto para el Fortalecimiento Familiar


Krystal Ruvalcaba

Bilingual Prevention Program Coordinator

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