Congratulations to our applicants on being selected to participate in Nurturing Futures! Please review the resources and information below.
Questions and Customer Service:
Nurturing Futures participants are encouraged to contact customer service anytime with questions, concerns, or to report changes to personal information. When contacting customer service, using the same email address and/or phone number you provided in your application will help speed up response times. Participants can also view their application information by logging in at any time throughout the program.
Nurturing Futures Customer Service Information:
Note: Same-day responses are not always be possible – you can expect a response from customer service within five days.
Payment Information:
The Nurturing Futures program will provide cash assistance payments of $300 per household per month for the duration of the program. Payments will be issued once a month, on or around the 1st of each month.
Participants have the option of receiving their payments through direct cash transfer into a bank account or a debit card that will be reloaded on a monthly basis.
More information about payments, including a list of frequently asked questions is available on this Nurturing Futures Payment FAQ page.
Nurturing Futures Impact on Public Benefits:
They money from Nurturing Futures may affect your eligibility to continue receiving other public assistance benefits. Please review our Benefits Guide below and contact your benefits administrators to learn more about how the money from Nurturing Futures may impact other public benefits.
Benefits Guide (Spanish)
Voluntary Withdrawal:
You may choose to withdraw from this program at any time. To voluntarily withdraw from this project, you must notify the Nurturing Futures team in writing. You can contact us with your request to withdraw via email at or by text message at 720-734-4999. To expedite your request, please contact us using the email address and/or phone number you used for your application. Once you withdraw from the project, you cannot be reinstated into the project.
Participant Surveys:
Nurturing Futures participants may be invited to participate in anonymous surveys throughout the program. The purpose of the anonymous surveys is to understand how the money from Nurturing Futures is impacting households.
An additional financial incentive will be provided for those who complete a survey.