Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Trash and Hauling
Recycling Trucks at Recycling Center

Trash and Hauling

Boulder County does not provide hauling services to residential or commercial properties. However, Boulder County’s Hauler Ordinance and Hauler Licensing Policies apply to all hauling companies that collect, transport, or dispose of discarded materials (garbage, recyclables, or compostables) in unincorporated Boulder County. These policies help to advance zero waste in the community.

Additionally, the county operates mountain transfer stations accepting trash and recyclables, located in Allenspark and Nederland, and several recycling drop-off locations in the county.

Featured Programs & Policies

Hauling Overview for Residents and Businesses

While Boulder County does not provide hauling services to residents or businesses, the county’s Hauler Ordinance provides requirements for haulers in unincorporated Boulder County. These requirements include levels and types of trash, recycling and organics depending on the region of the county. Learn more about the hauler ordinance and requirements here.

Zero Waste Coupons for Businesses

Boulder County supports your business in reducing waste by offering a coupon worth $150 towards Zero Waste services. Businesses in the cities of Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, and Superior are eligible for even more savings funded through the municipalities. Learn more about how to apply for coupons here.

Hauling Requirements for Haulers

All hauling companies that collect, transport or dispose of discarded materials (garbage, recyclables, or compostables) in unincorporated Boulder County are required to obtain a hauler license. In addition, the policy calls for Pay-As-You-Throw pricing, single-stream recycling, composting (in some areas), and annual reporting. Learn more about the hauler ordinance and licensing requirements here.

Contact Us

Resource Conservation Division



Boulder County Recycling Center
1901 63rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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