Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights booklet, are available at

Student Voting Guidelines

In most cases, college students can choose whether to register to vote (or stay registered to vote) in their hometown or to change their registration to their new residence.

It is important to know that a registered voter in Colorado is considered a resident of Colorado for income tax purposes and for motor vehicle registration/operation purposes. To register to vote in Colorado, you must be a resident for at least 22 days before the election.

Colorado residents going to college out of state:

Colorado residents going to college in another part of Colorado (and living there):

  • You may either register to vote (or keep your voter registration) at your hometown address or re-register in the jurisdiction where you are attending school.
  • Your voter registration address determines some of the content you will see on your ballot.
  • If you are keeping your registration at your hometown address, be sure to update your voter registration with your current mailing address so your mail ballot can find you.
  • CU students living on campus – see below for specific instructions on registering to vote and/or updating your mailing address.

Out-of-state students going to college in Colorado:

  • You may choose either to register to vote (or stay registered to vote) in your home state or register in Colorado. To register in Colorado, you must be a resident for at least 22 days before the election.
  • If you are temporarily residing in Colorado, you may wish to register (or remain registered) to vote in your home state and vote by mail (if permitted by your home state).
  • If you choose to register in Colorado, you will be considered a resident of Colorado for motor vehicle registration and operation purposes and for income tax purposes.
  • CU students living on campus – see below for specific instructions on registering to vote and/or updating your mailing address.

Before registering to vote, please review the Voter Registration Requirements and Information.

CU Students Living on Campus

If you are a CU student registering to vote in Boulder County from your CU Residence Hall address, please follow these instructions for listing your residential and mailing addresses (see tab below if you are registered to vote someplace else and want to have your ballot mailed to your residence hall).

Note the difference between your residential address and mailing address. Remember to use your assigned mail box number NOT your residence hall room number.

Residential Address
Mail Box #
Residence Hall Building Name
Boulder, CO 80310
Mailing Address
Street Address
Boulder, CO 80310
Example – Residential

3678 Andrews Hall
Boulder, CO 80310

Example – Mailing
2510 Kittredge Loop Drive
Boulder, CO 80310

Options for finding your mail box number:

  1. CU student email – search for an email from “Occupancy Management” sent in August
  2. Buff Portal
    1. Click on your profile icon on the top right
    2. From the drop down, choose Account Settings > Profile and Privacy > Addresses
  3. MyCULiving – log in and look for your housing assignment confirmation email from August
  4. Call CU Housing at 303-492-6673. Open Mondays & Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Find the Street Address of your Residence Hall here

If you are a CU student maintaining your home voter registration but would like to have your ballot mailed to you at CU residence hall, we recommend completing the voter registration online form in the following manner. (Note this is a Colorado example only. If you are registered out of state, you may only have two address field options. Colorado provides these three field options.)

Residential Address
Your home address in another Colorado County
Mailing Address

Leave blank

Mail my Ballot to a Different address:

Mail Box # Residence Hall Building Name, Street Address of Residence Hall
Boulder, CO 80310


3678 Andrews Hall, 2510 Kittredge Loop Dr

Boulder, CO 80310

Options for finding your mail box number:

  1. CU student email – search for an email from “Occupancy Management” sent in August
  2. Buff Portal
    1. Click on your profile icon on the top right
    2. From the drop down, choose Account Settings > Profile and Privacy > Addresses
  3. MyCULiving – log in and look for your housing assignment confirmation email from August
  4. Call CU Housing at 303-492-6673. Open Mondays & Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Find the Street Address of your Residence Hall here

*** It is highly recommended you include an email address with your voter registration. Your email address is NOT public information. It helps the Elections Division get in touch with you if there is a problem with your ballot and also communicate (infrequently) about upcoming election information.

Contact Us

Elections Division


303-413-7728 (Fax)
Boulder County Elections website

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* Longmont and Lafayette locations only offer paper voter registration forms
+ The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

Mailing Address

1750 33rd St., Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301

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