Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

We are aware of an ongoing phone outage affecting county call centers. The issue is currently being investigated. Reach the Coroner’s Office.

Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice
Flatirons with the 20th Judicial District Seal

Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice - Center for Prevention Logo

Juvenile & Adult Diversion Program

The Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice (CPRJ) in the 20th Judicial District Attorney’s Office delivers a high-quality diversion model that emphasizes accountability and prevention, applies restorative justice practices and principles, matches services to needs, and effectively achieves community safety by decreasing risk of recidivism.

Restorative Justice Program

The Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice’s in-house restorative justice program, DARJ, provides high-quality restorative services including:

  • Community group conferencing
  • Victim offender dialogue
  • RJ processes for drug or alcohol-related violations

Victims and harmed individuals, community members, and family members are empowered to participate in a facilitated restorative justice process that supports the person who committed the crime to take meaningful responsibility and repair the harm created by their actions.

Emphasis on Prevention & Community Safety

  • ~30% of juvenile cases diverted annually
  • 95% successful completion of juvenile diversion
  • 100% successful completion of adult diversion
  • 100% of participants say diversion helped them make positive changes in their life
  • Involvement of law enforcement and community members in many RJ processes
  • 98% restitution collection for no-file diversion cases
  • 96% successful completion of community service
  • 100% victim satisfaction with DA’s restorative justice services

Gun Safety

Boulder DA’s Commitment to Reducing Gun Violence: Gun violence has been on the rise in urban areas across the nation, and we are all too often confronted with news of another tragic mass shooting or gun-related injury or death. The Boulder District Attorney’s Office is working hard to make our community safer by providing increased resources to prosecute crimes involving gun violence, supporting legislation to prevent gun violence, partnering with other agencies to encourage safe gun storage, and engaging with community groups and advocates. We have hope that, together, we can reduce all forms of gun violence. Please visit the Gun Safety section of our site to learn more.

Diversion Opportunity for Resources and Stabilization Program – DORS

Please visit the Diversion Opportunity for Resources and Stabilization Program website for information about their program.

Contact Us

District Attorney's Office

303-441-3700 (Main Office)
303-441-4703 (Main Office fax)
303-682-6800 (Longmont Office)
303-682-6711 (Longmont fax)
for Hearing Impaired
please use Relay Colorado


Justice Center
1777 6th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions Boulder Location


Longmont Courthouse
1035 Kimbark St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Map and Directions Longmont Location

District Attorney Seal

Mailing Address

Boulder District Attorney
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306