Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Homeless Solutions for Boulder County Services

HSBC Client Services

Homeless Solutions for Boulder County Services

Single adults access all city and county homeless services through a Coordinated Entry system. Clients are assessed to determine if they are most appropriate for Housing-focused Shelter at Boulder Shelter for the Homeless (BSH), Navigation, or Diversion Services.

Coordinated Entry

All single homeless adults must go through the Coordinated Entry process to receive services from Boulder County or the cities of Boulder or Longmont. Coordinated Entry is the first stop and a key element of the adult homeless service system. All homeless adults seeking services enter through a limited number of community entry points, where they are assessed with common screening tools and matched with appropriate service and housing paths. After meeting with a staff person and going through a short screening, clients are referred to the most appropriate service depending on needs.

Coordinated Entry is a national best practice that has been implemented countywide with standardized procedures.

Diversion Services

Diversion Services provide light assistance for such things as reunification to families or support systems or assistance with landlord communication. The goal of the Diversion Services is to keep people from entering long-term homelessness or the sheltering system. While all people who are screened through Coordinated Entry are eligible for Diversion Services, it is the primary resource for people who are not Boulder County residents.

Navigation Services

Navigation Services provide short-term support for individuals who require limited assistance to get back into permanent housing. Navigation services are intended to eliminate or reduce time in local homelessness services for lower-need persons that may be able to resolve their housing crisis with limited short-term assistance. Individuals work with a case manager to develop a housing plan and can receive mediation support, financial assistance, legal assistance, assistance reunifying with support networks, and links to county and other community programs as needed. Overnight sleeping space is also available to qualified navigation participants who need a place to stay in the short term.

Housing-focused Shelter

Housing-focused Shelter (HFS) facilitates housing entry for qualified moderate and high-needs individuals by providing overnight sheltering and wrap-around services on an extended basis. Those participating in HFS can remain at Boulder Shelter for the Homeless where support in developing a housing plan is provided and until they have been successfully, permanently housed.

Frequently Asked Questions about Coordinated Entry

How do I find a place to sleep, shelter, or help with basic needs if I am an individual experiencing homelessness?

Are you a single homeless adult (18 and over) with no children in your household? Your first step to receiving services from Boulder County or the cities of Boulder or Longmont is to go to your nearest Coordinated Entry (CE) site. This is a required step for anyone seeking homeless-related services.

For Coordinated Entry in Longmont, please call 720-453-6096 on Monday-Fridays between noon and 7:00 p.m. If you do not have access to a phone, you can access one at HOPE in Longmont at 804 S. Lincoln Longmont from noon to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

For coordinated Entry in Boulder, please call 303-579-4404, Monday-Fridays between 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. except Tuesdays, which is from noon-4 p.m.

What happens at Coordinated Entry?

You will meet with a staff person and go through a short screening. Based on the screening information, you will be referred to the most appropriate services given your needs. CE staff are available in both Boulder and Longmont. Services available include shelter, help identifying housing options, basic-needs services, help connecting with benefits, and more.

What if I need help after Coordinated Entry screening hours, or on days it is not open?

When Coordinated Entry is not available you may seek help at an existing homeless service provider in Boulder or Longmont, or get information on available services by calling 2-1-1. You will be screened for additional services the next day CE is available. 2-1-1 is a FREE number all can access when they need help with anything from childcare, to basic needs and much more.

Where can I find additional Frequently Asked Questions for the municipalities?

View the City of Boulder’s Frequently Asked Questions

View the City of Longmont’s Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Homeless Solutions for Boulder County

Phone: 303-441-3560

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

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