Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
group of older adults walking outside

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging

Welcome to the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging! Our mission is to deliver, fund, and advocate for services that promote well-being, independence, and dignity for older adults, people living with disabilities, caregivers, and veterans in Boulder County. We also assist Medicare beneficiaries and residents of any age who live in a long-term care facility. In addition, we provide information, referral, and options counseling to anyone 18 or older with a disability as well as to older adults.

As the Area Agency on Aging for Region 3B (Boulder County), we provide leadership in assessing the strengths and needs of older adults in the region; facilitate strategic planning and implementation; fund and provide services to benefit older adults and their family caregivers; and convene community conversations and collaborative efforts. We use a strengths-based philosophy in our service delivery to empower older adults and their caregivers to make informed decisions and choices about current needs and long-term care.

two people walking

Resources and Information

Our services support older adults (60+), people living with dementia, caregivers of any age caring for older adults and people with dementia, residents of skilled nursing and assisted livings, older LGBTQ+ adults, and Veterans of all ages.

Aging Resources

Caregiver Support

Rainbow Elders (LGBTQ+ Programs)

Project Visibility

Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Veteran Services Officers

two people hugging

Healthy Aging

Our Healthy Aging Team is dedicated to helping you learn how to be an active participant in your personal health and well-being. Our programs support your overall well-being, reduce the fear of falling, help you manage chronic health problems and pain, provide nutrition support and resources, and unbiased support from our SHIP certified Medicare Counselors.

Healthy Aging

Nutrition and Food Resources

Falls Prevention Month

Medicare Basics and Counseling

an older couple looking at the camera

Get Involved and Partnerships

We provide training around elder abuse, train volunteers in many of our programs areas, advocate for older adults and their caregivers, liaise a Commissioner appointed council, and provide funding to service providers across Boulder County.

Elder Rights

Volunteer Recruitment

Data and Advocacy

Aging Advisory Council

Funded Providers

Recursos en Español

Nuestra misión es brindar, financiar y defender servicios que promuevan el bienestar, la independencia y la dignidad de los adultos mayores, las personas con discapacidades, los cuidadores y los veteranos del Condado de Boulder.

Aprende más aquí.

Print Materials

A new platform to order our free of charge print materials is coming soon. In the interim if you need materials to share with clients and friends, please email us at

Contact Us

Boulder County Area
Agency on Aging

Information/Resources: 303-441-1617

To contact us about resources to help you age well or to sign up for our monthly newsletter, please email us at

Mailing Address

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

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Connect With Us