Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Research, Surveys, and Plans

AAA Research, Surveys, and Plans

Research, Surveys, and Plans

The Boulder County Area Agency for Aging (BCAAA) provides leadership in assessing the strengths and needs of older adults; facilitates strategic planning and implementation; and funds and provides services to benefit older adults and their caregivers. For questions regarding the strategic planning activities of the BCAAA, please email Lindsay Neville at

The Data Report can be used to inform local dialogues, planning initiatives, and advocacy that will encourage and foster a more age-friendly Boulder County.

Aging Well in Boulder County: Data Report (June 2024)

Aging in Boulder County: Past, Present, Future Report (Sept. 2019)

The Area Plan is submitted to the State Unit on Aging and describes how federal and state funds will be used in the region.

Final Area Plan for State Fiscal Years 2024-2027

The CASOA™ provides a statistically valid survey of the strengths and needs of older adults as reported by older adults themselves in Boulder County and across Colorado. These reports are intended to enable local governments, community-based organizations, the private sector, and other community members to understand more thoroughly and predict more accurately the services and resources required to serve an aging population.

Boulder County (Region 3b) 2022 CASOA Report

Boulder County (Region 3b) 2018 CASOA Report

Our Annual Reports provide data and insights for the Area Agency on Aging. You will find details on clients served through our many programs, as well as program updates and financial information.

BCAAA Annual Report 2023

We created short-term planning materials in the midst of COVID-19.

Issue Brief – Increased Funding Needed to Support Aging Population (March 2023)

Age Well Boulder County: Action Plan (Sept. 2021)


The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) provides leadership and advocacy on issues affecting older adults and family and informal caregivers. As a part of the Federal Aging Network, we are mandated by the Older Americans Act to advocate for those we serve. While we are mandated to advocate, our staff and network of partners, volunteers, and allies are passionate supporters of policies and legislation that support healthy aging. The BCAAA is also guided by the Board of County Commissioners Legislative Priorities and assisted by Policy & Legislative Affairs and Legislative Affairs staff.

Member of USAging, the national association representing and supporting the network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs.

The Board of County Commissioners’ legislative staff also tracks federal legislation and has federal legislative priorities.

Find Your RepresentativeU.S. House of Representatives

Contacting U.S. SenatorsU.S. Senate

Contact Us

Boulder County Area
Agency on Aging

Information/Resources: 303-441-1617

To contact us about resources to help you age well or to sign up for our monthly newsletter, please email us at

Mailing Address

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

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