The current Sustainability element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan recognizes the relationship between environment, society, and the economy. It defines and states the need for a commitment to the principles of sustainability. It also lays out a broad set of sustainability goals. The policies set forth in the element are more limited in scope, focusing specifically on establishing a policy basis for the county’s Transfer of Development Rights and Transfer of Development Credits program, structure size and green building. Those policy topics will all still be addressed in the new Climate, Energy and Built Environment element, along with other related topics not currently addressed in the BCCP. Rather than having a Sustainability element in the BCCP, sustainability will instead be identified in the plan’s Introduction as one of the cross-cutting themes addressed throughout the entirety of the document.
The county-wide comprehensive plan currently has a chapter focusing on sustainability, but the plan lacks up-to-date policies that focus specifically on climate change, energy and the built environment. The county is in the process of transitioning its Sustainability element to one that addresses these focus topics specifically.
We welcome your ideas and input as we shape these policies that will affect Boulder County as a whole.
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