January 15, 2022
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Injured Snowshoer Assisted from CMC Trail
Injured Showshoer Assisted from CMC Trail
Boulder County, Colo. -
On Saturday, January 15, 2022 at approximately 12:38 pm, the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office received notification regarding a signal from an emergency personal location device. The only information given was a location on the CMC Trail.
Indian Peaks Fire personnel and American Medical Response (AMR) arrived at the trailhead and learned that the injured female had dislocated her shoulder. Both agencies responded to the CMC trail to find the 63-year female, who is from Boulder.
Once personnel were able to evaluate and treat the snowshoer, the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group assisted her via litter to the winter parking lot where she self-transported to seek medical care.
Agencies assisting with this rescue included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, American Medical Response, Indian Peaks Fire Protection District and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is 22-212.
/s/ Emergency Services Supervisor - Kelly Lucy