May 23, 2021
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Climber rescued from the base of Vampire Rock
Boulder County, Colo. -
On Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 at approximately 4:30 p.m. the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a climber who had fallen approximately 10 feet in the area of 32,000 Boulder Canyon Drive.
Rescuers arrived to the area of Vampire Rock where they were notified of a 33-year-old female who had injured both of her ankles in a fall while climbing. The Denver woman reportedly fell approximately 20 feet, injuring both ankles in the fall. She was lowered to the ground by her climbing partners.
Members of the Nederland Fire Protection District, the Sugarloaf Fire Protection District, and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group splinted the injured party’s ankles and moved her across Boulder Creek to the highway where her climbing partner transported her to a Boulder area hospital. The rescue took approximately one and a half hours.
Agencies assisting with this rescue effort included: Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, American Medical Response, Nederland Fire Protection District, Sugarloaf Fire Protection District, and the Rocky Mountain Rescue Group.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #21-2421.
/s/ Emergency Services Coordinator - Kelly Lucy