Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Volunteer Opportunity

Wellness Leader/Coach

Opportunity Type: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Community Services
Category: Human Services and Public Health
Time Commitment & Minimum Age: Classes meet weekly for six to eight weeks. Each class meets from one to two and a half hours each. Volunteers must attend a program specific training, occasional volunteer meetings and an annual training on elder rights. One-year commitment to teach at least one six- or eight-week workshop. Must be at least 21 to apply.

Boulder, Lafayette, Louisville, Longmont, Mountain Communities

Program Summary:

The Healthy Aging Program provides several evidence-based health education classes to Boulder County residents 60 and over. These workshops address common health concerns such as falls, managing chronic conditions, starting a walking program, and preventing diabetes.

Los Programas de Bienestar ofrecen varias clases de educación de salud basadas en la evidencia para los residentes del condado de Boulder de 60 años o más. Estos talleres se centran en problemas de salud comunes, como el manejo de condiciones crónicas, la prevención de la diabetes y la prevención de caídas.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Must successfully complete training, prepare for classes, and be able to work cooperatively with co-leader.

  • Attend and complete all requirements for leading the assigned evidenced-based program as well as those required by the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
  • Arrive early to set up for the class and be prepared to stay afterwards to answer participant questions
  • Develop clear understanding of scope of volunteer leader role and the limits to outside information that can be shared with participants
  • Be prepared to teach course materials, including physical activity for some programs, following all program requirements
  • Responsible for all paperwork associated with class including taking attendance and keeping personal information secure
  • Work with coordinator to establish availability to teach as well as best locations
  • Attend update trainings as scheduled including annual elder abuse training
  • Inform coordinator of any absences so that a substitute can be arranged
Qualifications and Requirements:

Volunteers must be at least 21 years old, pass a criminal background check, and commit to teaching one workshop per year. A health education background is not necessary; however, volunteers should have an interest in health and wellness, feel comfortable working with older adults and speaking in front of a group, facilitating activities and in some cases leading physical activities.

Training Dates and Information:

Training dates and information will be provided to applicant during recruitment.

Additional Information:

Healthy Aging Programs is looking for wellness volunteers!

Help older adults achieve their wellness goals by joining us as a Wellness Leader or Support Person!

You can make a big impact in the health of our community by leading in person or virtual workshops and by supporting our team. We have opportunities to volunteer in Spanish and English programs, either virtual or in person, with flexible hours and training included.

¡Los Programas de Bienestar para Adultos Mayores están buscando voluntarios!

Ayude a los adultos mayores a alcanzar sus metas de bienestar uniéndose a nosotros como líder de bienestar o persona de apoyo.

Puedes tener un gran impacto en la salud de nuestra comunidad dirigiendo talleres y apoyando a nuestro equipo. Tenemos oportunidades de voluntariado en programas de español e inglés, virtuales o presenciales, con horarios flexibles y entrenamiento incluido.


Nina Christensen,, 303-441-3774

Para más información, llame a Nina Christensen al, 303-441-3774

Application Process:

To fill out a volunteer application click here:

For more information, please contact Nina Christensen at 303-441-3774