Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Thursday September 12, Red Flag Warning. No Open Burning in Boulder County

Volunteer Opportunity

Trailside Clearing at Heil Valley Ranch

Project Date: Wed, July 26, 2023 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Opportunity Type: One-Time Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Parks & Open Space
Category: Open Space, Environment, and Gardening

Heil Valley Ranch

Program Summary:

We will be taking a small group of volunteers with gas-powered weed whips to clear the edges of the trails at Heil Valley Ranch.

Please note that you must be at least 16-years-old to operate a weed whip. If you would like to bring a younger child that would like to help clear weeds, please email Amanda Hatfield directly.

This is a backcountry project. The project will require hiking and/or biking to the project site from vehicles. We will be 15 minutes or more from our vehicles. Emergency services and response times would be extended due to location of project.


Amanda Hatfield

Application Process:


Registration is required through Discover Boulder County, Parks & Open Space’s volunteer and event registration system. If you’re new to the system, you’ll need to create an account. But it’s easy and we only use your contact information to communicate about events you register for. We will never sell or give your information to a third party.