Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Volunteer Opportunity

Juvenile Assessment Center Staff Assistant Intern- 2 openings – Boulder

Application or Registration Deadline: 05/05/2022
Opportunity Type: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Community Services
Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Time Commitment & Minimum Age: Must be 21 years old to apply. Two 4 hour shifts per week including evenings and weekends, for 9-12 months. Unpaid internship.

Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)

Boulder County Justice Center
1777 6th St., Boulder

Program Summary:


These may be filled at any time. Start dates depend on student’s ability to commit to at least 6 months minimum.

The Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) is a 24-hour facility in downtown Boulder that provides intake booking, assessment and bonding services as well as secure lodging for up to 20 youths who have been taken into temporary custody. Youth from Longmont, Erie, Lafayette, Boulder and anywhere in Boulder County are brought here by law enforcement. This is a temporary holding site prior to court dates. Most youth are housed here for a just few hours to a few days depending on the circumstance, which means the internship will be geared more towards a macro view of the juvenile justice system, with some limited interaction with youth in custody on any given day. Those interested in learning more about how juveniles interact with the courts, state systems, guardians ad litem, attorneys, counselors and detention staff are invited to apply.

Hands-on training is provided. The interns benefit from working side by side with experienced professional staff on system interaction, legal procedures for youth in custody, motivational interviewing, bond paperwork, court interaction, working with parents, counseling staff and accompanying youth to court appointments. Daily interaction with youth is less common since COVID as attempts are made to return youth back to their parents/guardians as quickly as possible.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Learn system-level interaction of staff and juveniles in the justice system. Supervise young clients in their daily tasks and assist in conducting intake assessments that include pre-trial release planning. Provide courtroom escorts and assist in crisis intervention when necessary. Interact with court staff, GALs, attorneys, and guardians. Maintain paper and computer record keeping systems including Atlas, Idemia, ETO, and court results. Interact with outside agencies on behalf of juveniles and the Juvenile Assessment Center.

Objectives of The Program: The JAC Staff Assistant learns about the juvenile justice system on the macro, mezzo, and micro levels. When youth are present, you will support and enhance JAC services and enable increased interaction with juveniles in custody. The JAC is a 24/7 facility which provides booking, assessment, and bonding services as well as providing secure lodging for up to twenty youth.

Since COVID, the numbers of juveniles in custody for more than a few hours has decreased. Those interested in the higher-level view of interactions in the juvenile justice system will benefit more than those expecting multiple daily interactions with youth. Juveniles taken into custody by local law enforcement are brought to the JAC where they are assessed in a 3 to 4-hour process. Based on the arrest and the assessment, a determination is made regarding whether the juvenile may be released quickly on bond to the custody of a responsible adult or is detained in JAC prior to appearing before a judge.

Qualifications and Requirements:

This is a 24/7 facility. Availability on weekends, and evenings is required (staff will work with your individual school and work schedule.)

Maturity, honesty, good work ethic, ability to take direction and follow protocols, ability to set appropriate boundaries and strong communication skills are essential.

Minimum age is 21 on start date. (You may apply if your birthday falls on or before the start date). We prefer that you have an interest in, and some knowledge of and/or experience with troubled at-risk youth, and an interest in the juvenile justice field.

Desire to work in criminal justice/social work/defense/juvenile justice is strongly preferred.

Ability to work well with diverse populations and work within a team. All volunteers must pass a criminal background check and fingerprinting.

No one will be accepted who has a DUI/DWAI/MIP conviction within the last five years.

Training Dates and Information:

First weeks of training include an overview of how the JAC fits in the justice system, intake/release process, security policies, crisis intervention/prevention and motivational interviewing. Ongoing on-the-job training is given specific to intern needs and schedule.

Additional Information:

JAC intern shifts are every day of the week – 8:00 am-1:00 pm, 12:00 noon-5:00 pm and 4:00-9:00 pm. Once offered the position, interns will create a schedule with supervisory staff.

Positions are open until filled – apply now!


Contact: Mary Eldred at to receive an online application link and instructions, or to request more information.

Unpaid Internship: This is an Unpaid Internship
Application Process:

Please email Mary Eldred, coordinator, at: to request an application. Volunteers who meet minimum requirements and commit in writing to at least 6 months will be emailed an application link and instructions.

Send a completed on-line application form: this includes your resume and 3 reference contacts and their relationship to you.

Background check happens immediately. Once references are received, and background check is approved, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you about further steps including a screening interview and formal interview with JAC staff, prior to selection. Shadowing staff may occur prior to a decision being made. Once selected, fingerprinting is required.