Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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Volunteer Opportunity

Rush Skeletonweed Removal

Application or Registration Deadline: 08/28/2021
Project Date: Mon, August 30, 2021 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Opportunity Type: One-Time Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Parks & Open Space
Category: Open Space, Environment, and Gardening
Time Commitment & Minimum Age: 12 years of age & up

Heil Valley Ranch

Program Summary:
Join Boulder County Open Space in an effort to remove Rush Skeletonweed. This List A noxious weed, has resurged in the Calwood Fire burn area. This is an opportunity to help with an urgent and vital role in the restoration of the Calwood Fire at Heil Valley Ranch. Please note, this property is closed to the public for safety concerns. We will be keeping a close eye on the weather forecast. If any significant moisture is predicted, volunteers will be notified of the cancellation.
All necessary tools and safety gear will be provided.

Amanda Hatfield
(303) 726-9286

Application Process:


Registration is required through Discover Boulder County, Parks & Open Space’s volunteer and event registration system. If you’re new to the system, you’ll need to create an account. But it’s easy and we only use your contact information to communicate about events you register for. We will never sell or give your information to a third party.