No Parking Zone Guidelines

Updated Parking Guidelines Available for Review and Comment

Public Works is currently in the process of updating county parking guidelines and would appreciate feedback using the comment form below.

The Public Works Department sets parking guidelines for public rights-of-way along county roads. The guidelines take into account the uses of individual roads as it relates to the classification of road (local access, arterial, primary connector, etc.) and the function to road provides to the land uses it serves. Based on identified uses and safety concerns, the guidelines define a hierarchy of travel clearances for emergency access and safe vehicular flow.

The Board of County Commissioners has the authority to regulate No Parking zones and placement of No Parking signs on county roads, based on recommendations of the Public Works Department. In addition, Boulder County Public Works can designate areas along county roads as No Parking Zones to protect public safety and to and to ensure that emergency services responders have clear access should their assistance be needed.

County roads are public rights-of-way and are presumed to be available for parking unless:

  • There is a safety issue,
  • The road must be clear for emergency access,
  • Maintenance,
  • Environmental resources, or
  • Access to private property is compromised.

When considering requests for No Parking Zones and place of No Parking Signs, the Public Works Department will evaluate the specific location using the following criteria:

  • Traffic safety concerns,
  • Access for road maintenance and emergency vehicle operations,
  • Access to local residential and business off street parking, and
  • Potential effects on neighboring streets.

Contact Us

Public Works Department (formerly Transportation)

Submit a request


2525 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80304

Map and Directions

Hours: Building Open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306