Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Mobility for All Volunteer Ambassadors
Most of the content on this page has been translated into both English and Spanish.
La mayor parte del contenido de esta página está disponible en inglés y español.

Notice of Limited Services during the week of March 3-7, 2025. In-person building team services will be unavailable. and virtual services will be limited. Inspections will not be available on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 4th, and will be limited and not guaranteed for the remainder of the week. View more details on the Building Safety and Inspections Services website.

Mobility for All Volunteer Ambassadors / Embajadores voluntarios de Mobility for All

Mobility for All Depends on its Volunteer Ambassadors!

Mobility for All’s Technology Ambassador Program has ambassadors of all ages and abilities who have been trained on transportation-related smartphone apps. Ambassadors help with program promotion, scheduling workshops with community partners, conducting workshops, and providing one-on-one support for transportation apps such as Google Maps, Transit App, RTD Mobile Ticketing, Lyft, and Uber.

Each volunteer donates approximately 5 hours of their time each month to support the Mobility for All Technology Ambassador Program. All volunteer ambassadors receive training on the smartphone apps that we provide workshops for and a transportation stipend to use the apps.

Interested in Volunteering? Contact us via email at

¡Mobility for All depende de sus embajadores voluntario!

El Programa de Embajadores de la Tecnología Mobility for All cuenta con voluntarios de todas las edades y capacidades que han sido capacitados en aplicaciones de teléfonos inteligentes relacionadas con el transporte. Los embajadores ayudan con la promoción del programa, con la programación de talleres junto con los socios comunitarios, con la realización de talleres y con la prestación de apoyo personalizado para las aplicaciones de transporte tales como Google Maps, Transit App, RTD Mobile Ticketing, Lyft y Uber.

Cada voluntario dona, aproximadamente, 5 horas de su tiempo cada mes para respaldar al Programa de Embajadores de la Tecnología Mobility for All. Todos los embajadores voluntarios reciben capacitación en lo que respecta a las aplicaciones de teléfonos inteligentes, para las cuales brindamos talleres y un estipendio de transporte para utilizar las aplicaciones.

¿Te interesa ser voluntario?Comunícate con nosotros mediante correo electrónico escribiendo a

Resources for Current Volunteers