Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Victim and Witness Support
Victim support volunteers during a disaster

Victim and Witness Support

Boulder County provides crisis support, information, and referrals to crime victims and witnesses.

Featured Programs

Victim Assistance Program

The Sheriff’s Office offers a unique opportunity for you to be part of something extraordinary. As an on-scene or outreach victim advocate, you will provide emotional support, information and referrals to those affected by crime or trauma. This short-term, practical assistance is vital to individuals in crisis. Our victim advocate team serves not only the Sheriff’s Office but the Lafayette, Louisville and Erie police departments.

Volunteers receive 40 hours of free comprehensive training in April or October on Tuesday/Thursday evenings and Saturdays plus ongoing education. No previous experience is necessary.

Victim Compensation

The Crime Victim Compensation Act of Colorado, enacted in 1982, helps victims of crime and their families obtain financial assistance for losses incurred as a result of a crime. Learn more about eligibility and the application process.

Victim/Witness Assistance Program

The Victim/Witness Assistance Program aims to make sure that victims of crime are treated with fairness, respect, and dignity, by providing comprehensive assistance and services to them throughout the criminal justice process.