Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Alternative Sentence Descriptions
Alternative Sentencing enterence

Alternative Sentence Descriptions


  1. Day Reporting Center
  2. Work Crew Program
  3. Work Release
  4. Home Detention

Sergeant Jud Vaughan: 303-441-4666

Day Reporting

Contact Person: Deputy Caryn Phipps
Telephone Number: 303-441-4672

A non-residential alternative jail sentence, which allows participants to stay at home and report daily to a Day Reporting Center, as long as they meet all of the Day Reporting Center (DRC) selection criteria. The Day Reporting Centers include Longmont Community Transition Center and Boulder Community Transition Center. The DRC includes monitoring, treatment, employment and daily contacts. Participants must submit written schedules on a daily and weekly basis. Participants must pay their own fees on a weekly basis. Eligible participants will submit to daily breathalyzers and random urinalysis. The program is viewed as providing close supervision, case management, and treatment in a manner that keeps offenders employed.

  • Must be appropriate for the programming available at DRC.
  • Willing to participate in this program and abide by all rules.
  • Should have a permanent residence within Boulder County. If not, refer to Day Reporting Supervisor for decision.
  • Must have a landline telephone at residence prior to start date of their sentence. NO cell phones.
  • Must have a minimum of a 20-day sentence (or a minimum of 20 days left on their sentence).
  • Must be willing to pay the program fees, $8.00 per day.
  • Must serve 70% of more than 181-day Work Release sentence and be eligible for Day Reporting prior to transfer to Day Reporting.
  • If transferring from Work Release, participants must have all Work Release fees paid in full prior to transfer date.
  • The courts of the Twentieth Judicial District will be the primary source of referrals to the Day Reporting program.
  • Inmates may be transferred from Work Release if approved by the courts or successfully complete Phase I of the DUI Integrated Treatment Court (DITC) program.
  • A letter will be sent to the courts using a standardized form advising the Judge that the inmate meets the criteria and will be placed on Day Reporting, unless denied by the sentencing judge.
  • If after ten days the sentencing Judge does not answer the letter, the inmate will be transferred from Work Release to the Day Reporting Program.
  • If the court denies the defendant the opportunity to participate in the Day Reporting Program, the Day Reporting supervisor will notify the inmate and no further action will be taken.
  • The Day Reporting Supervisor will decide if an inmate is acceptable for the Day Reporting Program if he/she is unemployed.
  • The Day Reporting Supervisor will decide if an inmate is acceptable for the Day Reporting Program if he/she resides outside of Boulder County.

DITC inmates will be eligible for the Day Reporting program when they have successfully completed 84 days of their sentence on Work Release.

Work Crew Program

Contact Person: Corrections Program Coordinator Carol Zamora
Telephone Number: 303-441-4681

A program designed to allow those serving a jail sentence to complete the sentence on their days off. Participants in this program are considered Inmates and will spend their time performing specific tasks assigned to them by jail personnel at locations within the county. Participants are not housed overnight but report at 6:30 a.m. and are released by 4:00 p.m. each day.

  • Sentences are limited to 20 days or less.
  • Current charges are primarily misdemeanors, however charges other than misdemeanors may be sentenced to the program at the discretion of the courts.
  • Must be physically capable of doing manual labor in all weather conditions.
  • The courts of the Twentieth Judicial District will be the primary source of referrals to the Work Crew Program.
  • The sentencing courts will send an order to the Jail detailing the start date for the sentence, the number of days to be served, and the dates that the sentence is to be served.

There is a onetime insurance fee of $5.00, and a $30.00 booking fee. Inmates sentenced to the Work Crew Program must be Pre-Booked prior to the date they are scheduled to begin their sentence. Pre-Booking appointments last approximately 1 hour and are done at the Alternative Sentencing Building at the Jail.

Any modifications to your assigned work days must be approved by the sentencing courts prior to the change

Any days missed due to illness require a doctor’s note that must be presented to the Work Crew Staff on the following work day. Any other days missed are considered unexcused and the sentencing court will be notified.

Pre-book appointment dates and times as well as dates to be served are assigned by the sentencing courts and written out on the court ordered mittimus.

The Boulder County Jail will accept “out of county” offenders on the program if approved by the Alternative Sentence Sergeant or Commander. All of the information above applies as well as a stipulation that any violations of the Work Crew program will not result in the offender being housed in the Boulder County Jail. The sentencing court would be advised that the offender failed to complete the program and provide the specific violation. The sentencing court will need to determine the appropriate sanction to impose on the offender. Call (303) 441-4632 prior to sentencing for approval and detailed instructions.

Work Release

Contact Person: Deputy Laura Rainguet
Telephone Number: 303-441-4669
Compliance Officer: Deputy Matt Davenport
Telephone Number: 303-441-4632

A program that allows an inmate to continue working while satisfying a jail sentence. The residents pay a weekly fee for living in the jail or a community treatment center. They must report to the jail or treatment center after work and remain there, unless excused by jail or treatment center staff to attend programs, etc.

  • Must be sentenced to a minimum of 30 days.
  • No history of psychotic disorders.
  • Must have a verifiable and acceptable job, during which they work 30 to 50 hours per week and no more than 6 days per week.
  • Must not be in the employment of another current jail resident or family member.
  • Must be able to meet the program’s fee requirements of $20.00 per day.
  • Able to arrange their own transportation to and from work.
  • Willing and able to abide by all rules and regulations of the Work Release Program.
  • Use of marijuana (medical or otherwise), alcohol and non-prescribed medications are not allowed and will result in disciplinary action.

The courts of the Twentieth Judicial District will be the primary source of referrals to the Work Release Program.

Work Release will not accept any persons sentenced outside Boulder County.

Home Detention

Contact Person: Program Specialist Carol Zamora (Spanish speaking)
Telephone Number: 303-441-4681

A sentence imposed/approved by the court, in which offenders are ordered to remain confined in their home or other approved residence. They are allowed to leave their residence for employment, court ordered treatment, breath and drug testing, medical appointment, and educational purposes. They adhere to a strict schedule and are randomly tested in their home for drugs and alcohol. Electronic bracelets are used to ensure schedule compliance and to detect any unauthorized activity by the inmate. Supervision is provided by jail deputies.

  • Over 18 years of age.
  • Residence is in Boulder County.
  • No criminal convictions involving murder, first or second degree assault, robbery, first degree arson, first degree burglary, criminal extortion, or flight from any of the above crimes. Also, first and second degree sexual assault, or any sexual offenses against children (including trafficking, pornography, exploitation, incest, pandering, pimping or procurement, solicitation, or assault) may not be considered.
  • Basic Home Detention Units – requires a Century Link landline. Cost is $13.00 per day or sliding scale for proven financial problems.
  • Cellular Units – Electrical service required. Cost is $13.00 per day and costs cannot be reduced.
  • Alcohol/Curfew Monitoring Units – requires landline or VOIP, i.e. Comcast. Cost is $15.00 per day and costs cannot be reduced.
  • The courts of the Twentieth Judicial District will be the primary source of referrals to the Home Detention Program. The jail Division may evaluate others for placement.
  • If you live outside of Boulder County, you will be referred by the County Jail to a private vendor.

Contact Us

Boulder County Jail

Main: 303-441-4650
Alternate: 303-441-4444
Fax: 303-441-4739


Boulder County Jail
3200 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions


Sheriff's website
Head Quarters Lobby Hours:
8 a.m.-5 p.m.

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