Foreclosure File Abbreviations
Document Name | Abbreviation |
Agricultural Certificate | AGC |
Affidavit of Outstanding Principal Balance Due and Owing | AOP |
Affidavit Regarding Bankruptcy | ARBK |
Affidavit of Publication | PROOF |
Allonge | ALLONGE |
Attorney Bill | ATTYBILL |
Bankruptcy Relief | BKRELIEF |
Bid from Attorney | BID |
Certificate of Mailing – Publication | MAILPUB |
Certificate of Mailing – Rights to Cure or Redeem | MAILRIGHTS |
Certificate of Purchase | COP |
Certificate of Purchase Assignment | ACP |
Certificate of Redemption Assignment | ACR |
Certificate of Redemption – Owner | CORO |
Certificate of Redemption – Lienor | CORL |
Court Order | CTO |
Certification of the Owner and Holder of the Evidence of Debt | CERTOWNER |
Combined Notice | CN |
Combined Notice Amended | CAN |
Combined Notice Restarted | CNR |
Combined Notice Erroneous Sale | CNES |
Combined Notice Rescinded and Rescheduled | CNRS |
Corporate Surety Bond | LIB |
Cure Figures | CUREFIGS |
Cure Receipt | CURERECEIPT |
Deed of Trust Original | DOT |
DOT Assignment | DOTASSIGN |
DOT Certified Copy | CERTDOT |
DOT Photo Copy | CDOT |
DOT/Note Certificate of Qualified Holder | CERTQH |
“Exhibit “”A”” / legal description attachment” | EXHIBITA |
Foreclosure Information Sheet | FCINFO |
Foreclosure Referral | COVER |
Intent to Cure | ICURE |
Intent to Redeem Lienor | IREDL |
Intent to Redeem Owner | IREDO |
Invoice | INVOICE |
Loan Modification | NOTEMOD |
Mailing List – Amended | MLA |
Mailing List – Original | MLA |
Mailing List – Restarted | MLR |
Mailing List – Supplemental | MLS |
Mailing List – Rescinded Sale | MLRS |
Motion Setting Aside the Sale | MSAS |
Note Copy | CERTNOTE |
Note Certified Copy | CNOTE |
Notice of Election and Demand | NED |
Notice of Public Trustee Sale Republished | REPUB |
Notice of Rights to Cure or Redeem | NOTEMOD |
Notice of Rights to Cure or Redeem – Amended | ANOR |
Notice of Sale | NOS |
Notice of Sale Amended | ANOS |
Order Authorizing Sale | OAS |
Public Trustee Deed | PTD |
Quit Claim Deed | QCD |
Rescission of Sale Notice | NRS |
Receipt of FC docs | RECEIPT |
Warranty Deed | WD |
Withdrawal of Notice of Election and Demand | WDRL |