Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Apply for a Planning Application

Notice of Limited Services during the week of March 3-7, 2025. In-person building team services will be unavailable. and virtual services will be limited. Inspections will not be available on Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 4th, and will be limited and not guaranteed for the remainder of the week. View more details on the Building Safety and Inspections Services website.

Online Application Submittals: Apply for a Planning Application

Permit Records & Online Application Submittals is a website Boulder County uses for online planning, permitting, and licensing services.

Walkthrough of the process to apply for a planning application. See individual steps below.

In this Permit Records & Online Application Submittals guide, we’ll walk you through the steps needed to submit a planning application.

You will need to have an account to submit a planning application. If you have not created an account yet, please go to our register for an account guide.

Watch the entire process in the video, or follow the individual steps below.

Planning application walkthrough

The Community Planning & Permitting Department manages the number of planning applications accepted each week in order to align with available resources. Once you have had a Pre-application Conference and have a complete application ready for review, please contact Community Planning & Permitting at 303-441-3930 to get on the schedule to submit your planning application.

You’ll need to be on the Permit Records & Online Application Submittals webpage. If you have not yet found it, this is a direct link to it:

1. Login

You will need to login if you are not already logged in.

You can log in at this web address:

2. Planning tab

Click on the planning tab, then select Start an Application. You must click on the planning tab in order to view the start an application option.

3. Accept the terms

Check the box next to I have read and accept the above terms. You may need to scroll down to see the box. The terms you are agreeing to are Boulder County’s Privacy Policy and Legal Information for the website.

After you check the box, click Continue Application button to the you to the next screen.

4. Select the Application Type

Select the radio button next to the record type that you are applying for. Usually this will be a Planning Application Request.

Select Continue Application.

5. Search for the house number of the project location.

On this screen, you will navigate to the site address section and enter the house number of the worksite and the first two letters of the street name. Click the search button.

Tip: Less is better! If the worksite address is “1234 Main Street” enter “1234” into the Street # field, and only enter “ma” into the street name field.

6. Select the project location address

This screen may not appear if the system finds an exact match.

If the system does not find an exact match, multiple results may appear. Click the radio button next to the project location address and click select. The parcel number and the property owner for that address will then display. You may need to scroll down to view this information. After reviewing the information, click the select button.

7. Verify the project location address information

Verify the project location address is correct. Most people do not know the parcel number for a property, it is okay to assume it is correct.

The property owner’s mailing address is shown (this may be a different address than the worksite). Verify this information is correct. The phone and/or email of the owner can optionally be entered.

Click continue application.

8. Select the contact

This screen will show two options. Select yourself or owner and Enter New Contact.

Select Yourself or Owner: Click this button, if the primary contact person for this permit is either you (as you registered for a login), or the property owner.

In the box that appears, select the contact you want and click continue.

Enter New Contact: Click this button, if the primary contact person for this permit is someone else.

9. Verify and Enter Contact Information

Verify and enter the contact information for the primary contact. The mailing address (not the project worksite) for the contact should be used.

Note: Address, phone number and email are required.

Click continue when all information is entered.

10. Confirm Contact Information for Accuracy

A screen will appear with a green checkmark saying “contact added successfully” below this you will see a summary of the information you entered for your contact.

Click Continue Application.

11. Select the type of planning application and whether or not you are on the submittal schedule.

On this screen you are going to select yes or no for whether you are on the submittal schedule, if you are on the submittal schedule you will then enter your submittal date.

You are also going to select the type of planning application. If the type of planning application you wish to submit is not listed, choose Other.

Please Note: Many types of planning applications (such as Site Plan Review (SPR))are accepted pursuant to dates on a submittal schedule. For those proposals, please old off on submitting your application unless you have been given the go-ahead from our department to submit. Applications will be processed in the order on our schedule. Contact CPP if you have any questions (303-441-3930 or Ask a Planner)

The submittal date is given to you by our department according to the submittal schedule.

12a. Upload Documents

On this screen you are going to add your documents, such as your plans. To begin uploading documents, click Add A Document.


  • Be sure to include your filled out Planning Application Form, along with any required documents and plans.
  • PDF files are the preferred format for documents and plans.
  • Keep each PDF file that is uploaded to 50MB or less. Split into separate files if need- for example: Plans 1 of 2.PDF, Plans 2 of 2.PDF

12b. Upload Documents

A new box will appear, at the bottom of this box, click “Add a Document”.

A new dialog box will open, here you will navigate to where your documents are stored and select them.

Note: You may be able to select more than one document.

Click Open. (This dialog box may differ depending on your browser/computer you are using)

12c. Upload Documents

The documents that you have selected will then be shown with a progress bar. If you have additional documents to upload, click add a document and follow the previous steps.

Click Continue when you are done adding documents.

13. Enter document descriptions.

The documents you selected in the previous steps will then be shown on the screen with a description field below each document. In the description field, please enter a brief description for each of the documents.

When finished entering descriptions, click Upload Documents.

14. Review Uploaded Documents

When the upload is finished, a green banner will then appear. The uploaded documents will be shown on the screen.

Click Continue Application.

Note: Large files will take longer to upload.

15. Final Review

A final review page will open that shows all information you have entered. If you need to make any changes, click the edit button for that section.

After confirming all information is accurate, click Continue Application.

Note: Clicking Continue Application will submit your application request. Please double check all information for accuracy.

16. You Have Successfully Submitted your Application Request

You have successfully submitted your application.

On this screen you will see a green confirmation banner advising that your application has been successfully submitted. It also advises that you will be receiving an email from Community Planning & Permitting with instructions on how to make a payment. Usually you will receive this email within two business days.

You will be contacted if we have any questions about your application.

This screen also includes your application number. You can navigate to your record details and return to application details from this screen.

Please remember your application is not complete until payment has been made.

The images above in one document.

Contact Us

Community Planning & Permitting

Ask a Planner


Public Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday

Virtual Service Hours:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday
Schedule an Appointment

Mailing Address

Community Planning & Permitting
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
Community Planning & Permitting website


Courthouse Annex Building
2045 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80302