Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Subdivision Exemption (SE) Review Process

Subdivision Exemption (SE) Review Process

General Explanation

Subdivision Exemptions typically include minor changes to Unsubdivided Land including, boundary line adjustments, community facility lot splits, lot recognitions. They are called “Subdivisions Exemptions” because these limited, specific changes are exempt from State requirements for a full subdivision process providing property owners an expedited path to make such minor changes. The final outcome of an approval under this process is the recording of a new deeds in order to implement the approved changes.

Subdivision exemptions can be utilized only on Unsubdivided Land, contact to determine if this process is applicable to your property.


The Director may grant exemptions from the application of the Subdivision Regulations, pursuant to Article 9-400 of the Boulder County Land Use Code, in cases where the proposed subdivision involves unsubdivided land (Subdivision Exemption).

In order to begin the Subdivision Exemption process, applicant(s) must first contact the Community Planning & Permitting Department to make an appointment for a Land Use Review Pre-Application Conference with a planner to discuss the proposal prior to its submittal.

Learn more about the Pre-Application Conference:

Once the applicant submits a completed Subdivision Exemption application, the application will be referred out for review by various county departments, public agencies (as necessary), and adjacent property owners. Following the evaluation of the subdivision exemption approval criteria found in the Land Use Code the Director will issue a determination. A determination may approve (with or without conditions) or deny the application. The Director’s determination may be appealed by the applicant or called-up by the Board of County Commissioners no later than 14-days after determination is issued. If the application is called-up or appealed, the application and Director’s determination will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at a public hearing. Hearing dates are usually scheduled approximately six to eight weeks from the date of the application submittal (based on the Board’s availability).

A similar process, called an Exemption Plat, exists for Subdivided Lands:

Contact to determine if this process is applicable to your property.

Submittal Schedule for Planning Applications

The Community Planning & Permitting Department manages the number of planning applications accepted each week in order to align with available resources. Once you have had a Pre-application Conference and have a complete application ready for review, please contact Community Planning & Permitting at 303-441-3930 to get on the schedule to submit your planning application.

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Community Planning & Permitting

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Public Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday

Virtual Service Hours:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday
Schedule an Appointment

Mailing Address

Community Planning & Permitting
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
Community Planning & Permitting website


Courthouse Annex Building
2045 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80302