Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Land Use Review Pre-Application Conference

Land Use Review Pre-Application Conference

To schedule a Pre-Application Conference, please review the information below, then click the orange Schedule a Pre-Application Conference button at the bottom of this page. If you have not yet spoken to a planner regarding your proposal, we strongly recommend you contact us to discuss your proposal and verify the appropriate review process before scheduling your Pre-Application Conference using the Ask a Planner form or call 303-441-3930.

A Pre-Application Conference, as outlined in Article 3 of the Boulder County Land Use Code, is for determining the scope of a project. Meetings are held between a prospective applicant and Community Planning & Permitting (and other appropriate agency) staff before an application is filed. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss project parameters and site conditions pertinent to review of project. The intent of the pre-application meeting is to prepare prospective applicants for the process and provide technical guidance to assist customers with the application and review process, procedures, requirements, and standards, and provide information pertinent to the site and the proposal. The planner will explain the application procedures and the materials required for submittal. The applicant shall bring a conceptual site plan to the conference.

Meeting Participation Details

  • The pre-application conference may be in the Community Planning & Permitting Department office or at the site. The planner will explain the application procedures and the materials required for submittal.
  • The applicant shall bring a conceptual site plan to the conference.
  • County staff will make available to the applicant any public information regarding the development proposal which is in the County’s possession.
  • If the planner feels that the proposal raises any of the following issues, the applicant shall also meet with members of the appropriate department to discuss the development proposal.
  • Any comments or commitments made by any member of the County Staff during this pre application conference are only preliminary in nature and should not be relied upon by the applicant. All prospective applicants should be informed that formal comments cannot be made by staff until after the application is submitted and adjacent and/or nearby property owners and referral agencies have had an opportunity to respond.

Roads and Parking Design

For floodplain, road, access, traffic concerns, parking design and engineering, and all vehicular movement patterns and volumes, the applicant will meet with a member of the staff of the Engineering Division of the Boulder County Public Works Department.

Water and Sanitation

For water supply, sanitation, or water quality concerns, the applicant will meet with members of the Environmental Health Section of the Boulder County Health Department. The Health Department Staff will also review the location of the property in relation to the identified radiation hazard sites as shown on Health Department maps.

Open Space

For open space or environmental concerns, the applicant will meet with a member of the staff of the Parks and Open Space Department to discuss any potential effects of the application on open space and environmental resources in the county.

Note: Any comments or commitments made by any member of the County Staff during this pre-application conference are only preliminary in nature and should not be relied upon by the applicant. All prospective applicants should be informed that formal comments cannot be made by staff until after the application is submitted and adjacent and/or nearby property owners and referral agencies have had an opportunity to respond.

Schedule a Pre-Application Conference

Contact Us

Community Planning & Permitting

Ask a Planner


Public Office Hours:
8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday

Virtual Service Hours:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday
Schedule an Appointment

Mailing Address

Community Planning & Permitting
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
Community Planning & Permitting website


Courthouse Annex Building
2045 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80302