Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Update BCCP-19-0003 Passive Recreation Definition
E-bike rider on a path in nature

Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Update BCCP-19-0003 Passive Recreation Definition Update to include E-Bikes

BCCP-19-0003 Approval and Adoption

View Planning Commission Resolution PC-2020-01, approving the amended definition of passive recreation in the Open Space Element to the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, adopted Feb. 19, 2020.


The Boulder County Commissioners approved a one-year pilot study to allow e-bikes on certain county open space trails on the plains starting Jan. 1, 2019. During this pilot period, staff studied the visitor and trail impacts of e-bikes on county trails. The Commissioners also directed staff to investigate options for updating the definition of passive recreation in the Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan.

Read more about E-bikes on Boulder County Open Space.

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Planning Commission Public Hearing, December 18, 2019

BCCP Passive Recreation Definition Update to include E-Bikes
In the Open Space Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, passive recreation is defined, in part, as non-motorized. In the wake of a 2017 change in Colorado state law addressing how e-bikes are classified and where they are allowed, county staff conducted public outreach about e-bikes in 2018 and conducted research and outreach during an e-bike pilot project in 2019. Based on research and outreach results during the e-bike pilot, the Boulder County Commissioners made a policy decision to allow e-bikes on plains trails where conventional bikes are allowed. Staff brought updated recommendations for amending the passive recreation definition based on the Planning Commission study session discussion and input from the Board of Commissioners. Public testimony was taken.
Documents: Staff report for Dec. 18, 2019

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Tina Nielsen, Parks & Open Space

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