If you wish to apply for the exemption, and qualified as of January 1, 2025, and wish to receive a form to fill out, you may call our office at 303-441-3530, or email AssessorSX@BoulderCounty.gov.
Senior Property Tax Exemption
Deadline to submit an on-time Senior Exemption application is July 15. Late applications will be accepted from July 16 through August 15.
Confirmation of receipt notification will be sent out within 4 weeks of submittal. We are unable to confirm receipt over the phone. If you do not receive notification after 4 weeks, please contact AssessorSX@BoulderCounty.gov. We appreciate your patience.
Effect on Taxes
- The exemption goes into effect for tax year 2025
- The discount will first appear on the tax bill sent by the County Treasurer in January 2026
- The exemption remains in effect until a disqualifying event occurs, such as:
- Sale of property,
- Property is moved into a trust, LLC, or other legal entity (a new application is required to continue the exemption),
- Applicant passes away (Surviving spouse can apply to continue the exemption), or
- Home is destroyed by a natural disaster.
To qualify for the 2025 tax year (payable in 2026), seniors must meet all three of the following criteria:
- Birth year of 1959 or prior
- Lived in the home as your primary residence continuously starting before January 1, 2015
- Owned the home continuously starting before January 1, 2015
Were you previously approved for the exemption? Learn more about the Qualified Senior Primary Residence Classification.
Exemption Amount
For those who qualify, 50 percent of the first $200,000 in actual value of their primary residence is exempted, for a maximum exemption amount of $100,000 in actual value. The State of Colorado pays the property taxes on the exempted value.
Application Forms & Instructions
- State of Colorado DPT downloadable forms
Mail completed form to:
Boulder County Assessor
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306-0471 - Sign up or log in to apply online
Applications are also available at the Assessor’s office, senior centers and other locations.
If you have any questions, please email AssessorSX@BoulderCounty.gov.