Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Property and Land

Property and Land

Find information about property records and taxes using Property Search. Get help with planning, building, and zoning. Learn about property assessments and property value appeals.

Featured Programs

Boulder County Assessor’s Office
The Assessor’s Office establishes values every two years for more than 120,000 properties, worth nearly $50 billion in market value. The agency uses tools such as geographic information systems (GIS) and mass appraisal techniques to perform appraisal analysis. The Assessor discovers and lists information about properties and uses this information to determine property values.

Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Update

The Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP) was developed to respond to the widely accepted principle that the myriad of future land use decisions affecting the county’s lands should be made in a coordinated and responsible manner.

Building and Zoning Enforcement

Boulder County Zoning Enforcement strives to enhance neighborhoods and the communities’ health, safety, and general welfare through efficient and effective code enforcement while respecting the property rights of our residents. Learn about enforcement related to building without a permit, home occupations, outdoor storage, rubbish, and keeping animals.

Boulder County Fireshed

In August of 2020, federal, state, and local governments joined with non-profit entities in Boulder County to establish the Boulder County Fireshed as a shared vision for reducing the risk of wildfire to its people, communities, recreation areas, and natural resources through closely coordinated forest management across all lands.

Wildfire Partners

Wildfire Partners is Boulder County’s nationally recognized wildfire mitigation program, assisting residents in preparing for wildfire. The program provides individual home assessments to residents of western Boulder County. Following the Marshall Fire in late 2021, the program has expanded to provide east and west county residents with information and resources to help community members reduce risk to their homes, ecosystems, and families through a variety of wildfire mitigation best practices.

Application Submittals

Prior to applying for a land use planning process a pre-application conference is required. Once application packets are prepared following your pre-application conference, please contact the Community Planning & Permitting office at 303-441-3930 to get on the submittal schedule.