This hilltop park provides an incredible view of the Flatirons to the west, with the mountains fading to prairie grasslands to the north and south. Bring your lunch, your friends, and perhaps your binoculars – for you may catch sight of a swift raptor diving for prey.
Legion Park
Legion Loop
0.9 miles – Moderate
Rules & Regulations

Day Use Only

Pets On Leash

Bikes On Designated Trails Only

No Open Fires

No Hunting/Firearms

No Camping

No Drones
Trailhead Amenities

26 parking spots (no designated ADA spaces)

2 picnic tables
Open Gallery in New WindowBirds
- Bald eagle
- Barn swallow
- Black-billed magpie
- Blue jay
- Cliff swallow
- Common goldeneye
- Cormorant
- Gulls
- Magpie
- Northern flicker
- Osprey
- Red-tailed hawk
- Red-winged blackbird
- Ring-necked duck
- Ruddy duck
- Vesper sparrow
- Western grebe
- Yellow breasted chat
- Coyote
- Eastern cottontail rabbit
- Prairie dog
- Raccoon
- Red fox
- Striped skunk
Reptiles & Amphibians
- Boreal chorus frog
- Bullsnake
- Garter snake
- Woodhouse’s toad
- American bumblebee
- Carolina grasshopper
- Common checkered-skipper butterfly
- Dainty sulphur butterfly
- Jagged ambush bug
- Two-striped meadowhawk dragonfly
- Pinyon pine
- Ponderosa pine
- Eastern cottonwood
- Golden currant
- Mountain mahogany
- Skunkbush sumac
- Wild plum
Blue/Purple/Magenta Wildflowers
- Early purple milkvetch (Astragalus shortianus)
- Locoweed (Oxytropis sp)
- Narrow leaf penstemon (Penstemon angustifolius)
- Prairie bluebells (Mertensia lanceolata)
White/Light Pink Wildflowers
- Northern Idaho biscuitroot (Lomatium orientale)
- Prickly poppy (Argemone polyanthemos)
- Sand lily (Leucocrinum montanum)
- Textile onion (Allium textile)
- Yucca (Yucca glauca)
Yellow Wildflowers
- Evening primrose (Oenothera sp)
- Goldenrod (Solidago sp)
- Little sunflower (Helianthus pumilus)
- Missouri foxtail cactus (Escobaria missouriensis)
- Prairie false dandelion (Nothocalais cuspidata)
Red Wildflowers
- Scarlet globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccinea)
From Legion Park you get a great view of the mountains and the Valmont Power Station. Historically, the high point of this park was called “Goodview Hill” and was used by Native Americans as a lookout point.
- 1921: Construction of the Valmont Power Station began. The plant no longer burns coal but continues to produce electricity through the burning of natural gas.
- 1932: Boulder County Commissioners entered into a 99-year lease to develop the area as a park and memorial to soldiers of World War I.
- 1934: A local Civilian Conservation Corps camp constructed a memorial wall and planted pine trees to beautify the area.
Today, the park serves as a place to enjoy nature and honor veterans.