South St. Vrain Creek Restoration at Hall 2
In addition to the reclamation of the mine, Parks & Open Space is also planning the restoration of South St. Vrain Creek on Hall 2.
During the 1960s, an approximately half-mile stretch of South St. Vrain Creek adjacent to the Lyons Quarry was moved along the south side of State Highway 7 and channelized. An aerial photograph from 1940 shows a more natural alignment across the floodplain. Because restoring the creek was not part of the DRMS-approved permit and reclamation plan for Lyons Quarry, it was not included in the mine reclamation.
Since 2011 when the county purchased Hall 2, Parks & Open Space has envisioned realigning the creek to its natural alignment across the floodplain. The post-2013 flood assessment, planning, and engineering, which included significant public engagement, supported this vision. A 30% restoration design plan for the site was completed in 2016 as part of the 2013 flood recovery efforts by Matrix Design Group.
The plan shows the creek being realigned and restored into its natural meander using natural channel deign principles and the construction of overflow channels.
As the mine reclamation wraps up, Parks & Open Space has moved forward with finalizing the creek restoration design and is currently working with an engineering firm that specializes in stream restoration. The design will be completed by the end of 2024; however, construction won’t occur until the department secures the necessary implementation funds for the project over the next couple of years.
As established in the 30% design, the goals for the project are to restore and improve the channel and surrounding floodplain to protect life and property and provide a safe, natural, resilient, functioning, and ecologically rich habitat utilizing natural system principles. The project will expedite recovery from past disturbances, including mining and the 2013 floods, and make the area more resilient in future flood events.