October 18, 2019
Media Contact
Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032
Volunteers Needed for a Mobility for All Technology Ambassador Pilot Program
Apply to be a volunteer by Nov. 1
Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Transportation’s Mobility for All (M4A) Program is seeking older adults and people with disabilities from diverse backgrounds who are technology enthusiasts to volunteer for a peer-to-peer mobility assistance program.
Mobility for All Technology Ambassadors will support an innovative M4A project focused on addressing mobility challenges residents face related to using smartphone applications such as Google Maps, RTD Mobile Ticketing, Transit App, Uber, and Lyft. Ambassadors will assist older adults and people with disabilities in a series of activities designed to help expand access to and use of technology-based transportation options.
Volunteers will attend approximately 20-hours of technology training this fall, and, beginning Jan. 1, 2020, ambassadors will be expected to contribute five hours of work per month, which includes:
- assisting older adults and people with disabilities in learning how to plan trips and access transportation options through smartphone applications;
- monthly check-ins with the M4A project team; and
- reporting on monthly activities.
To apply for this volunteer opportunity, please visit www.boco.org/M4Aambassador and submit the application by Nov. 1.
Mobility for All is recruiting up to four older adults and people with disabilities from each of the following communities: Boulder, Erie, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville, Superior, and mountain communities. Ideal Technology Mobility Ambassador candidates will be technology enthusiasts, natural representatives of their communities, and relationship builders and will be willing and able to connect with all community members, including through use of locally relevant languages, and dedicated to providing productive feedback, paying close attention to detail, and showing excellent communication skills throughout the length of the six-month pilot project (option to extend for an additional six months).
Technology Mobility Ambassadors will receive free RTD Mobile Passes, Uber, and Lyft credits after completing the training. Transportation passes and credits will be issued monthly after initial training, monthly check-in meetings, and report submission.
This project is funded by an Inclusive Planning Grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living in partnership with the Federal Transit Administration and administered by the Community Transportation Association of America.
If you’d like to know more about this project, please contact Angel Bond, Mobility for All Program Manager, at 720-564-2218 or MobilityforAll@bouldercounty.org.