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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

August 23, 2019

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Two scramblers rescued off of the Second Flatiron

Boulder County, Colo. - Shortly after 10:00 a.m. this morning, the Bolder County Communications Center received a 911 call about two people who were stuck on the Second Flatiron in Chautauqua Park, a City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks property.

Two people, in their twenties, were hiking in Chautauqua Park and decided to scramble up the Second Flatiron on the Freeway Route. They did not have climbing gear or other safety equipment with them. Part way up the route they decided they did not feel like they could safely make it down and contacted our dispatch center.

First responders from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office, Rocky Mountain Rescue Group and rangers with Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks responded to the scene to perform the technical rescue. The rescue took approximately four hours. No injuries were sustained.

This is a good reminder that scramblers are advised to know their limits and to turn back before they get too far to safely get down on their own.

The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #19-4874.


/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist