July 3, 2019
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Tubing ban enacted for Boulder Creek
The tubing ban becomes effective at 4 p.m. today
Boulder, Colo. - Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle and Boulder Police Chief Greg Testa have issued a ban on tubing in Boulder Creek to preserve the safety of Boulder County residents and visitors. Effective July 3, floating and use of single-chambered air-inflated devices, including inner tubes and air mattresses, will be prohibited in Boulder Creek from the confluence at Boulder Falls to the eastern city limits of Boulder.
Typically, the threshold for implementing a tubing ban is 700 cubic feet per second (cfs). Boulder Creek flow has varied between 500 and 650 cfs over the past several days. With high runoff and the expected high number of visitors to the creek for the Fourth of July weekend, Sheriff Pelle and Chief Testa determined this use restriction would best protect community members.
Community members are advised to be aware of conditions and be especially cautious with children and pets near creeks and ditches. Anyone who fails to obey the tubing ban may be guilty of a class two petty offense and subject to a fine of up to $50.00. The ban is in effect until noon on Monday, July 8.
More information on Boulder Creek flow rates can be found www.bouldercolorado.gov/flood/boulder-creek-flow-rates.
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