September 26, 2019
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
Ten year old boy dies in UTV accident
Ten year old boy dies in UTV Accident
Ten year old dies while riding in a UTV with other children
Boulder County, Colo. -
On September 26th at approximately 4:42 PM, Boulder County Communications Center recieved a 911 call reference a Utility Vehicle (UTV) accident in the 3000 block of N. 63rd Street which is located in unincorporated Boulder County. Information at the time was that a young male approximately 10 years of age was in medical distress. Deputies from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office, personnel from the Boulder Rural Fire Department, EMS personnel from American Medical Response (AMR) and Troopers from the Colorado State Patrol responded to the location to give aid.
Ultimately the young male died of his injuries at the scene from the UTV that had tipped over in a farm field. The other 4 young children who were also riding in the UTV, one of which was driving, were not injured. The Colorado State Patrol is assisting with diagraming the scene and investigators from the Boulder County Sheriff's Office and Coroners Office are conducting an investigation as well. The name of the young male is being withheld pending notification to the entire family. The Boulder County Coroners Office is responsible for investigating and determining the manner and cause of death.
The Associated Case number is 19-5662
/S/ Commander Nick Goldberger