Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

August 14, 2019

Media Contact

Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500

Injured dog rescued

Dog fell down a talus slope while chasing a squirrel

Boulder County, Colo. - At approximately 3:15 pm, Open Space and Mountain Parks Rangers and Boulder County Emergency Services responded to an area east of the Royal Arch Trail for a dog rescue. A hiker was walking her dog off leash when it chased a squirrel and ended up falling down a talus slope (rockslide) area and sustained non-life threatening injuries. Rescuers were able to evacuate the dog successfully back to the trail where it was able to walk out on it's own along with it's owner.

The associated Boulder County Sheriff's Office case number is: #19-4697


/s/ Sgt. Chris Fiegel