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February 28, 2019

Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update – Traffic signal adjustment, culvert installs start next week

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Hello -

Tomorrow, weather permitting, Lawrence Construction plans on applying a temporary asphalt surface at the wall site they've been working on just below the Poorman Fire Station. After paving is done, the traffic signals will be removed from this area and relocated down the hill to the other work area, which will receive a new configuration so crews can start digging at the final wall site in the lower work zone.

The new traffic signal configuration at the lower work zone will consist of two signals on Fourmile Canyon Drive controlling the general flow of traffic and two signals controlling private driveways that will now be within the work zone. The two roadway signals will be the main signals, while the two driveway signals will only be triggered to change to green when a resident is attempting to exit one of the properties.

Next week, Lawrence plans on starting the install of eight roadway cross-culverts. Only one culvert will be installed at a time, and flaggers will be used to safely assist traffic around the work zone at these locations. The roadway will be returned to two-lanes at the culvert install sites at the end of each day and over the weekend.

Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you for your time and patience.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation