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May 24, 2019

Fourmile Canyon Flood Recovery Project Update

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Most people have seen that CDOT is extending their blasting/Boulder Canyon closure days to four days a week. From what we've heard, the new schedule will be in place for an extended period of time, although it will still be announced by CDOT on a week-to-week basis.

As you can imagine, the closures are hindering our progress on a few critical items within the canyon, most notably concrete deliveries. In order to keep our project moving forward and not extend our construction timeline, we're going to allow our contractor to conduct operations beyond the 4:30 p.m. ending time that was agreed to for this project. This will only be allowed as needed. This means our 15-minute delays may necessary between 4:30 and 6 p.m. in order for work to be safely conducted. The contractor knows that this should not be a daily occurrence, only when absolutely necessary.

By extending our working hours, we'll be able to prevent our overall schedule from being extended. We want to keep our presence in the canyon to the dates we specified. We know we've been up there for a long time and patience is wearing thin. We also know that the Boulder Canyon construction is only adding to the problems.

Thank you for your continued patience. Please let me know if you have questions.

Have a good holiday weekend.


Andrew Barth
Boulder County Transportation