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September 16, 2019

Area Agency on Aging releases report on Aging Trends in Boulder County

Report is a first step towards the 2020 Age Well Boulder County Strategic Plan

Boulder County, Colo. - Every four years the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (AAA), a division of Community Services, in partnership with local aging services organizations, collects research and data to prepare the county’s Age Well Strategic Plan. The recently released Aging in Boulder County: Past Present Future Report, is the first phase of a renewed strategic planning process, that can be found on the Age Well Boulder County website.

“We are excited for what the future holds for our community strategic planning process following the release of this report,” says Christine Vogel, AAA Division Manager. “We will need all partners at the table and creative options available in order to develop a comprehensive plan that serves older adults and all community members in the county.”

The next step in the county’s strategic planning process will involve two large events. The first is the Age Well Conference on Nov. 7, an annual event that draws hundreds of regional professionals, academics, and advocates to learn about and discuss issues and trends in aging-related policies, services and research. The second event is a stakeholder summit on Nov. 18. This strategic planning day will draw organizations, professionals, and businesses to focus on Boulder County-specific solutions for older adults and family caregivers. “We will include key stakeholders, service partners, community leaders, and advocates in this process,” notes Christine. “We intend to impact the quality of life of all people in our community – regardless of their age, status, or ability.”

The report comes at a time when communities across many parts of the world – including right here in Boulder County – are experiencing dramatic increases in the older adult share of their populations. According to the State Demography Office, the percentage of Boulder County residents who are 60 years and older is rising, from about 15% in 2010 to more than 25% by 2035.

“Many people, policies, and organizations see this societal population shift as a problem,” notes Christine. “However, many of us who work with older adults see it as an opportunity for reimagining aging and working together toward inclusive and innovative approaches in making our communities more age-friendly. Through our renewed planning process, we aim to draw attention to the challenges, identify the ways local groups and organizations are creating age-friendly solutions, and work together towards this ‘older’ future.”

For more information about the report and the strategic planning process, please contact Christine Vogel at 303-441-4575, or

Additional Report Information
In 2016, Boulder County was inducted into the AARP Network of Age-Friendly communities. This group is also an affiliate of the World Health Organization’s global network. In 2016 Boulder County received the Age-Friendly Community designation from AARP and the World Health Organization. The Aging in Boulder County: Past, Present, Future Report is organized using the framework of AARP’s eight domains of livability, which are: outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, and community and health services. The report also pays focus to populations that are underserved or might already be experiencing particular challenges in accessing public and private services in the county.

The Aging in Boulder County: Past, Present, Future Report includes demographics of aging across Boulder County. The report highlights perspectives, opinions, and testimonies of older adults, professionals, and advocates serving older adults in Boulder County. The qualitative and quantitative data used in this report were derived from multiple sources. A stakeholder group including county, municipal, and nonprofit organizations held 22 community conversations throughout the county in the summer of 2018 that drew 277 participants who shared their perspectives and experiences on aging, caregiving, and working with older adults. In addition, a key informant survey was conducted to gain insights and perspectives from 183 professionals, advocates, and volunteers across industries and sectors that interface with older adults in the county.

Aging in Boulder County 2019 Report