August 23, 2019
Board of Equalization now offers online appeals for property owners
Property owners who disagree with their notice of determination from the Assessor's Office can appeal and schedule a hearing online
Boulder County, Colo. -- The Boulder County Assessor has mailed out Notices of Determination to property owners who protested the assessed value of their property by filing an appeal with the Assessor's Office in June.
Now, for the first time, Boulder County property owners who disagree with their Notice of Determination can electronically file an appeal with the Board of Equalization (BOE) and schedule a hearing online.
The Board of Equalization is the second and next stage in the process for property owners who appealed their real property valuation through the Boulder County Assessor’s Office and were denied an adjustment.
This year, the Board of Equalization expects to receive as many as 2,300 property valuation appeals. By offering an option to file appeals and schedule hearings online, the BOE hopes to help make the process smoother than in years past. The ability to schedule hearings online, however, is only open for those who file their appeal online.
“We have a short window to schedule hearings,” said Atilana Retana, BOE coordinator. “Because of this, appeals that are delivered by hand or through the mail will be scheduled by us, based on availability. The ability to schedule online is a real incentive, and we encourage people to file their appeal and schedule early.”
Filing a BOE Appeal
Information on how to file an appeal online can be found on the BOE website: Petitioners will need the account number and PIN found on the Assessor’s Notice of Determination. The online scheduling option does not allow for the scheduling of multiple hearings at once. Only one hearing can be scheduled at a time. Property owners with multiple appeals will still be scheduled by the BOE.
Official Notices of BOE Hearings are sent by U.S. mail and email if an email address was included on the petition. There is a short window of time for BOE hearings to take place, per state statute, so for those who do not file and schedule online, there may be little notice prior to a hearing date.
Click on image to open YouTube video with instructions on how to use the BOE online appeal option.
The deadline to file an appeal with the BOE is Monday, Sept. 16. The appeal option is only open to property owners who submitted a 2019 Assessor-level appeal and received a Notice of Determination from the Assessor’s Office.